Is this offer worth Thronebreaker

Hi. I am a F2P. Currently I finished completing 7.1. I am close to forming 1 Mutant T5cc, 2000 remaining. Waiting for it from last 2 months but all T5cc crystals including nexus from side quests are not giving any mutant.
Got this offer after completing 7.1.
Is it worth or should i wait more.
Issue is after new arena getting units is very slow, i am not able to decide if i should spend 3500 units on this.

Got this offer after completing 7.1.
Is it worth or should i wait more.
Issue is after new arena getting units is very slow, i am not able to decide if i should spend 3500 units on this.

I did it in March so I had time to farm more units with July 4th coming around the corner but yeah that's something to think about in your case and what your plans are for July 4th.
So ask yourself, is the selector worth the difference?
You were gonna get a 10% nexus from June cavalier that had a 50% chance to get you over the line, and it’s possible you get the rest from small crystals, 7.2 or other content even if you struck out in cavalier EQ. I think this kind of offer made more sense last year when we didn’t have nexuses in EQ.