Quake or Stealthy

Im ready for my first R5, quake or Stealth Spiderman are my options, i have a skill awakening gem if it makes any difference? Im not one to hang on to things in case one day i get a certain champion. I am good at using them both and love them both. Let me know what you think, cheers everyone
But stealthy finishes fights really quickly if he’s not up against a hard counter.
She will get you through a lot of content just by bypassing the nodes. One of my biggest selling points in ranking my quake was Mixmaster Korgs in AW. They are a walk in the park now. Not sure what map AQ map you run, but she shuts down Magik, dormammu and man-thing too - well pretty much everyone that doesn't have true strike or some type of unavoidable linked DoT.
I'm bias though. My only stealthy is 5* R3 and he's been there for awhile now. His slow debuff is nice, bit others have it too. He just came into my roster to late as a 5*,l and don't have him as a 6* to be much of an option.