Assist me Guardian Gods

Unknown_LegendUnknown_Legend Member Posts: 128
I have recently got a 5* Guardian from a Basic 5* , He is Unduped , So I wanted to know whether I should upgrade him or Hulkbuster which is Awakened and at R3 rn , While Targetting for Cosmic / Tech in Hope for Duping him...


  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,615 ★★★★★
    Guardian certainly benefits from his dupe and high sig, but it is not mandatory like it is with Omega Red or Aegon. A lot of his utility is tied to his sig (bleed, energy and crit resistance), but for attack, he is just fine unduped or even at a low sig. I personally prefer him to HB, but you may want that extra utility from his high sig.
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    I personally wouldn't invest in guardian until he's duped and able to sig him up.

    A lot of his damage unduped is still there, bit scales way up on the sp2 with sig so you will notice a big difference. Also, the energy, bleed and crit resistance is what makes him so sustainable and if you're using suicides, makes the bleeds on him nothing. I love him for rage node counters and his ability to parry non contact hits and projectiles.

    HB is a fine option for R4 in the interim, especially since you have him awakened and he can regen some. He's great for Xl, tech and hero variants too. He'll give you the most benefit for now and his power control can be very useful if your mystic options are limited.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    HB over unduped guardian.
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