More rank 4s or less rank 5s?

After the comments I received on the poll I posted yesterday
it made me start to think about rank up strategy in general.
How do you guys generally approach rank ups?
Do you save resources so you can max out your 5 top champs first or do you bring up several different champs to r3/r4 as soon as you get the resources to do so?
So do you think it's better to have 2-3 maxed out great champs and then a bunch of great/good champs at r4 or would you prefer your starting roster be all maxed out really good to average champs?
I think I'm hesitant to max out anyone that I don't consider top 2 or 3 in their class but then I just end up with a bunch of r2-4 and I'm always waiting for those beyond god-tier champs that may or may not come any time soon. So then I feel like I don't progress as much since I don't have 5 maxed out champs on my starting roster.
Would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this.
it made me start to think about rank up strategy in general.
How do you guys generally approach rank ups?
Do you save resources so you can max out your 5 top champs first or do you bring up several different champs to r3/r4 as soon as you get the resources to do so?
So do you think it's better to have 2-3 maxed out great champs and then a bunch of great/good champs at r4 or would you prefer your starting roster be all maxed out really good to average champs?
I think I'm hesitant to max out anyone that I don't consider top 2 or 3 in their class but then I just end up with a bunch of r2-4 and I'm always waiting for those beyond god-tier champs that may or may not come any time soon. So then I feel like I don't progress as much since I don't have 5 maxed out champs on my starting roster.
Would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this.
I feel as if in the higher end stuff once it hits rank 4 then fights become far easier then if they were rank 3. Also takes less time and resources then a rank 5 and allows your roster breadth to build up slightly faster.
Then, when you get the materials for rank 5, you’ve got a lot of options already at rank 4 to choose from.
24 champs at R5.
19 champs at R4. (a good many from rank up gems)
So, here is my strategy.
I take champs to R5 if:
They are “beyond god tier”
They are awakened and require awakening to be god tier or better.
Otherwise I let my 5* sit at R1-3 and wait to pull the 6* version. I don’t take anyone to R4 anymore unless I plan to take them to R5. It’s a waste of resources to take them to R4 if you can’t/won’t take them to R5 because you likely aren’t going to use them.
Now, regarding 6*, if the champ doesn’t require awakening and/or high sig then I take the 6* to R2. Red Hulk, Havok, Cable for example.
The TL;DR, Basically don’t waste resources on taking champs to R4 unless they’re beyond god tier and you’ll take them to R5. Only take a champ to R5 if they’re beyond god tier or if they’re awakened, high sig, and you’d have to awaken the 6* version in order to be useable. (Namor, Cap IW, Omega Red, CMM, Fury, Aegon)
But what about the fun aspect? Would you not rank a champion up to rank 4/5 if you enjoy them and find them fun? I get that Thronebreakers are heavily 6*-focused, but I’d still take up a champion to r4/5 if I found them fun.
What that means is I now only rank champs that are guaranteed to go to 5r5, and generally asap.
The only thing is that rankup gems basically force you to rank some up regardless. Nowadays, I only use cats to take up 5*s to rank 4 if I'm going to take them to rank 5.
R4 are just barely useable for Cav difficulty and lower than god tier R4 aren’t going to be used for Act 6/7 exploration. That’s why I say focus on only the really good ones or the 6* that don’t require the awakening/high sig.
Champs like Aegon, Omega, Guardian, Void, Beardo... who need dupe and high sig, probably aren't realistic as 6* for most people at this point in the game so would still consider them, but anyone who doesn't need a dupe, I'll wait for the 6* now.
Is it nice to have Void and HT ranked up? Absolutely!! Do you really need both as they cover a lot of the same ground? Not really. And you certainly don't need to rank up 5* torch if you have the 6* already either. It's nice, bit will it get you through your next piece of content or is there a better option? And if there is, don't waste resources on nobody's who aren't going to progress you unless you have overflow expiring.
Most of my recent 5* rankups (let's say within the last year) were also from variant gems so it didn't impact any 6* rankups.
Ibom was an exception since he was new and I got and duped him the same week and he has unique utility. OG Scarlett witch I want to take to R5 since she doesn't have a 6* version, but I don't need her. She got to R4 with rankup gems and will sit at R4 until I can sig her to 200 and don't have a better 6* option (which is gonna be awhile) or until I get an R5 mystic gem again.
Who are some that you ranked up that aren't great but are fun to use?
With the exception of some early rank-ups that mostly served their purpose in the early game and that I don't see a need to r5'd for me to clear content where I'm currently at, I plan on taking all of my r4s to r5 eventually. Obviously resources are scarce and I can't take everyone up, and that leaves some champions at r4 for a very long time despite me planning to rank them up sometime in the future, but the general idea is to grow a pool of r4 champions from which I can rank up the ones most viable for whichever content I'm tackling next. I ranked up Colossus for the latest Variant, for example, and most recently Kingpin for the Microverse Variant.
I've been burned when it comes to ranking up a champ directly from r1 to r5 before, so I try to rank them up step by step as I learn to appreciate them. Nowadays I only r4 ones I enjoy playing as r3s, and only r5 those I enjoyed as r4s. That minimizes the risk of regrets.
As for what champs I rank, I try to take into account what my roster currently needs and how much I enjoy the champ. If there’s a champ I really enjoy playing but may not really need in terms of what they can do, I’ll probably only take them to R4. I think all my R5’s so far have been an equal combination of enjoyment and necessity.
That’s how all this started for me. I have one r5 then 4-5 god tier champs at r4 and then a wider array of r3s. So I don’t know if it’s better to take one of my god tier r4s to a r5 giving me two r5s but then handcuffing any rank ups for a while ....or is it better to take one of my r3s to r4 and have a wider pool of r4s to evaluate for a while longer without blowing out my entire t5b or t2a inventory.
Because I definitely agree with all the posters who say as soon as they rank someone up to r4/r5 they pull a 5 or 6* they would’ve ranked instead...
But it sounds like once I finally have those r5s or good 6* it becomes easier to get those resources. But I’m only uncollected so I don’t really see that yet.
For you Thronebreakers/Cavaliers - Where are you finding the wealth of extra resources at that level? Variant quests? Act 6?
I rank who I want to. If I have fun playing with them, I’ll rank them. If they are really good, I’ll rank them. If they are really good but I don’t like playing them, (haven’t run into a champ like that yet) then I don’t rank.
My argument for ranking up non top tier champs that you like, is so that you have a little bit of variety in your roster, and you can play some of your favorite characters in High levels of content and enjoy the game more.
Also, if you already have a 5* champion you enjoy a lot ranked up, and you pull them as a 6*, you won’t feel like you wasted materials as much, because now you can run two of your favorite champ! Either both for questing or one for aq/aw.
Anyway going back to the original question. More r4s or r5s? Whatever floats your boat I guess.