R3 six star NF when five star is maxed

I’ve got duped NF as a five and a six star. Five star is already R5. Currently at Act 6.4.3. My question is whether I should R3 my NF when already I’ve got a duped at R5. I also have ghost and domino as six stars.
What's my point? Well, that yes you should definitely R3 him cuz that way you can use your maxxed R5 for defense and then have the R3 always handy for everything else.
About whether you should R3 a NF over a Ghost that's an entirely different matter though. How good are you at playing Ghost? Is she duped? If so how many sigs? Do you have at least r4 5* Wasp and/or Hood? Do you run suicides? Do you have a r5 or r2 CMM to pair with your NF? How much do you like CMM? Would you rather have a NF/CMM combo as a staple on your team or a Wasp/Ghost combo? In other words, there are waaaaay too many variables to consider for anyone else but YOU to be able to decide whether its better FOR YOU to R3 a NF over a Ghost.
Hope it helps.