Time for a Change? Moving Up or Out? 40M AQ 5x5 - G2 Well-Established Alliance Needs 2

Looking for a chill but competitive alliance with no BS or drama ? Give us a try.
Currently running AQ5x5 with mods (average 256M), AW 3 groups during season - 1 group in the off season.
Great place if you need to step back and chill - no event minimums.
Ready to move up to the next level? Looking for new blood at end of current campaign for some taking a break, some moving up to Plat
Great place to grow your team.
Regular logins and communication are a must. Message me if you're interested.
Line/In Game ID: Kylumac
Currently running AQ5x5 with mods (average 256M), AW 3 groups during season - 1 group in the off season.
Great place if you need to step back and chill - no event minimums.
Ready to move up to the next level? Looking for new blood at end of current campaign for some taking a break, some moving up to Plat
Great place to grow your team.
Regular logins and communication are a must. Message me if you're interested.
Line/In Game ID: Kylumac