Top 5 champs in each class

1. Hulkbuster
2. Ghost
3. Warlock
4. Gulli299
5. Guardian
1. Tigra
2. Longshot (has insane buff control)
3. Black widow Claire voyant
4. Dragon man (is a mystic champ with tech immunities and cosmic abilities which is op)
5. Magik
1.Corvus with suicides (without suicides its most likely Hyperion)
2. Hyperion
3. Cosmic ghost rider (would be higher up if he had more utility since he is kind of on the meh side)
4. Silver surfer (is criminally underrated, big boi immunites, has insane damage if played correctly, solid overall)
5. Vision aarkus/Odin (Odin is here cuz of his pre fight and good damage. Aarkus is here bc Philip is aarkus simp)
1. Immortal hulk (no explanation needed, is quite literally a tank in all aspects)
2. Quake
3. Torch
4. Captain America infinity war
5. Red hulk (is technically immortal hulk but not as good and without a 2nd life)
1. Nick fury
2. Aegon/Shang chi
3. Aegon/Shang chi (I understand aegon use is slowly fading away due to no long enduring content like LOL or AOL, but with the new content coming out later in the year, aegon’s use is going to sky rocket)
4. Falcon
5. Mole god/king pin
1. Cable (with apoc synergy without it he’s probably somewhere in the top 10)
2. Apoc (bro boosts a whole class type what else is there to say)
3. Stryfe (someone told me to put him here)
4. Night crawler (if u just spam dash back he can essentially dex anything due to his animations. If anyone wants more of an in-depth expo on this feel free to ask)
5. Bishop (no I wasn’t forced to put him here. I put him here at my on will. You know why? When ramped up correctly his sp3 hits so hard and with apoc synergy, his damage is berserk)
Any sort of non negative feed back will be appreciated.
1. Hulkbuster
2. Ghost
3. Warlock
4. Gulli299
5. Guardian
1. Tigra
2. Longshot (has insane buff control)
3. Black widow Claire voyant
4. Dragon man (is a mystic champ with tech immunities and cosmic abilities which is op)
5. Magik
1.Corvus with suicides (without suicides its most likely Hyperion)
2. Hyperion
3. Cosmic ghost rider (would be higher up if he had more utility since he is kind of on the meh side)
4. Silver surfer (is criminally underrated, big boi immunites, has insane damage if played correctly, solid overall)
5. Vision aarkus/Odin (Odin is here cuz of his pre fight and good damage. Aarkus is here bc Philip is aarkus simp)
1. Immortal hulk (no explanation needed, is quite literally a tank in all aspects)
2. Quake
3. Torch
4. Captain America infinity war
5. Red hulk (is technically immortal hulk but not as good and without a 2nd life)
1. Nick fury
2. Aegon/Shang chi
3. Aegon/Shang chi (I understand aegon use is slowly fading away due to no long enduring content like LOL or AOL, but with the new content coming out later in the year, aegon’s use is going to sky rocket)
4. Falcon
5. Mole god/king pin
1. Cable (with apoc synergy without it he’s probably somewhere in the top 10)
2. Apoc (bro boosts a whole class type what else is there to say)
3. Stryfe (someone told me to put him here)
4. Night crawler (if u just spam dash back he can essentially dex anything due to his animations. If anyone wants more of an in-depth expo on this feel free to ask)
5. Bishop (no I wasn’t forced to put him here. I put him here at my on will. You know why? When ramped up correctly his sp3 hits so hard and with apoc synergy, his damage is berserk)
Any sort of non negative feed back will be appreciated.
Although I love Hulkbuster, he is in no way better than Ghost. Solid damage for sure, but Ghost's immunity to dot, sustainability due to lack of parrys, and big special two damage, outweighs Hulkbusters decent utility and a damage output that relies on debuffs (stun, powerlock).
In your mystic tier list, I don't see Doom. Tigra? Really great, but doom is better. Tigra requires an aggressive playstyle that isn't realistic all the time. Doom can be played in an aggressive or non-aggressive way, easier buff control and higher damage output, double fury from the special three's, and they are done. There's a reason he's the most sought-after champion and is brought into Abyss. Two achievements Tigra doesn't have under her belt. I could argue that many others on the mystic list could be knocked to add Doom but I think you get the gist of what I'm saying.
Cosmic, no real arguments because they are all good, however, Surfer and Aarkus are not better than CMM. Silver surfer has utility, immune to shock, but CMM has high energy resistance and it fuels her binary charges leading to huge crits and specials along with an indestructible when awakened. Surfer underrated? Sure. Better than CMM? Nope
Science, Ibom should replace Red Hulk. That acid burn provides unblockable, huge damage and the guys a beast. Also void isn't there. Void is amazing. Even at sig 20, he puts in lots of work. Slower fight? Maybe. But the trade-off is safety, decent sustainability and great utility. Immortal and Red hulk can be replaced by these two. Immortal Hulk is great, we see him shine on the slumber node, however, compared to Void and Ibom he can't cover as many matchups with great damage, and without the proper openings, his damage goes away instantly.
Skill looks good.
Mutant... Smh. Sure, Bishop sp3 hit's hard with Cable. Know who else has an insanely hard-hitting special 3 and on top of that utility? Magneto. Doesn't even need Cable. Nightcrawler, dash back all you want, Prof X has high block proficiency and his damage ramps up insanely well. It doesn't take a while either. My 6 r2 cleared lanes in 7.1 and 7.2, without spamming dash back and doing half decent damage like Nightcrawler.
Those are my thoughts, ngl man a few times I thought you were trolling, looking for post interaction...
I am not one of those who play and know how to play all the champs but according to what you read here and what the lists of kt1, lagacy, seatin you name it say I would probably say
- best Tech is between Ghost and Warlock. Then Guilly99, then Sentinel, Guardian, HB, stark spidey...
- best Cosmic is between CGR and Hype, maybe Corvus. Then a bunch of others like CMM, Venom...
- best Mystic is Doom. Then BWCV, Sorc Sup, Symbi, Magik...
- best Science is Quake (I've read about a thousand times: "if you don't know how to use her, learn how to use her"), then between HT, Cap IW, Void.
- best Skill is NF, then between Aegon and Bruce Lee, with a bunch of others right behind (falcon, moleman, CB)
- best Mutant is Red Mags or Colo, then AA, Apoc, Namor, Omega, Prof X.
Best cosmic cgr and hype?!?!?’ Naw bruh cgr doesn’t have the utility Corvus does (utiiity>damage)
But I can agree with the hype part since most people don’t have suicides and hype>Corvus (without suicides)