Who do you think is going to be in the Iron Casket cav crystals next month?

My best estimate of who is going to be in it is Guillotine, Morningstar, Guillotine 2099, Mephesto (sorry if I botched the spelling) and other champs. I think the other champs should be deletions/ mystic characters in my opinion. Who do you think is going to be in these crystals?
Morningstar, Guillotine, Guillotine 2099, Mephisto, Hulk, Gulk, Joe Fixit, probably iHulk, maybe surfer, Mags and doom since we see them represented on maestro, and a few other odd ball synergy champs
Iron Fist!
So basically the crystal would be Doom, a couple okay mystics, and a bunch of mystics that even heavy arena grinders wouldn't take to 5r3.
Doesn't sound right though, I feel like g2099 has gotta be in there with the theme as it is.