Does anyone bother with heroic any more?

I’m currently working my way through heroic in the event quest purely for the 1000 5 star shards or how ever many it is. But it is a lot of time and energy for not a massive reward. I was just wonderIng if anyone else bothers or not?
And explore chapter 1, 1 energy/tile, during 7 hour combat event for 15% boost and lil units.
Another thing i do is, if I am getting reay for work in the morning and have the 70 full energy to burn up quickly then do the heroic 3.1 and 3.2 on auto mode...heroic difficulty has its uses...
But I need those T1As.
However, it depends on how my month is going to be. If I'm going to just grind the monthly and side quests, yes, I'll do it. But if I take more involvement to Story for a particular time, probably not, because I just can't have the time to explore it, though I do try to complete them.
Being a moderate FTP, I still cannot run AQ, AW, and story/event/side with the roster I possess now.
[Apart from the fact I have to dedicate some time to Incursions and Arenas too]
Sometimes I just don't feel like playing, but then they introduce autoquesting. If the energy is gonna go waste anyways, might as well run heroic.