Deadpool x-force overhaul

Deadpool x-force overhaul
All stats based on rank 5 5 star
Prestige 10474
Health 29874
Attack 2343
Deadpool is all about balancing his skill mechanic to win, by building them up he can gain massive damage but will need a more skilled player to use then right
Deadpool x-force can gain up to 150 stacks max.
Each stack of skills is passive and lasts indefinitely. They also carry from fight to fight
When deadpool uses dex or heavy he gains 1 stack of skills
For every stack of skills gained Deadpool x-force gains 5% more attack and reduces the enemy's defensive ability accuracy by 1% but suffers 0.5% reduced crit damage and loses 0.09 of max health every second per stack
Due to deadpools cancerous cells he permanently loses 0.7% of max health every second
Intense healer
Deadpool gains 1.5% of max health every second, this can not be reversed.
At the start of the fight regen is increased by 100% potency for 30 seconds
New animations
First medium
A thrust with his sword
First light
A diagonal slice down from the right
2nd light
A kick to the stomach
3rd light
A upward slash with his sword
4th light
A shot from his pistol
2nd medium
A two kick a attack that will look exactly like the old heavy
New heavy animation
He now has one that looks similar to gwenpools
Heavy also inflicts a bleed dealing 4324 damage
For 15 seconds after any special deadpools healing over charges giving it 100% more potency
Sp1 1 hit
This attack is now just a simple gunshot
This attack is unblockable
This attack also gives back 50% of the power back
Gives deadpool 10 skills charges
This attack is best used to gain space
Sp2 3 hits
This attack is now two back to back sword slices followed by a gun shot
Each sword hit inflict a bleed dealing 6987 damage over 12 seconds
The gun shot inflicts a armor break reducing armor by 1200 for 10 seconds
Same animation
Gain a prowess for 30 seconds granting 50% increased special damage
Deadpool now regenerates 5% - 15% more heath every second.
Deadpool also starts the quest with 5 to 30 stacks of skills
Greatest friends
With spider-man classic and wolverine
Deadpool x-force - gain 1% more crit rate for each stack of skills
Spider-man classic - on crit gain a fury increasing attack by 30% for 30 seconds max stacks 20
Wolverine - when a buff triggers on the enemy, consume one bleed to nullify it.
With any #canadian
While attacking into the enemy gain a 1 second long fury buff granting 20% more attack
X-forces finest
With any #x-force
Gain 10% more attack per x-force on the team
Only survivors
With domino
Deadpool x-force
When dexing or using your heavy there is a 30% chance to gain another stack of skills
Start the fight with a bleed debuff dealing no damage for 1 second
All stats based on rank 5 5 star
Prestige 10474
Health 29874
Attack 2343
Deadpool is all about balancing his skill mechanic to win, by building them up he can gain massive damage but will need a more skilled player to use then right
Deadpool x-force can gain up to 150 stacks max.
Each stack of skills is passive and lasts indefinitely. They also carry from fight to fight
When deadpool uses dex or heavy he gains 1 stack of skills
For every stack of skills gained Deadpool x-force gains 5% more attack and reduces the enemy's defensive ability accuracy by 1% but suffers 0.5% reduced crit damage and loses 0.09 of max health every second per stack
Due to deadpools cancerous cells he permanently loses 0.7% of max health every second
Intense healer
Deadpool gains 1.5% of max health every second, this can not be reversed.
At the start of the fight regen is increased by 100% potency for 30 seconds
New animations
First medium
A thrust with his sword
First light
A diagonal slice down from the right
2nd light
A kick to the stomach
3rd light
A upward slash with his sword
4th light
A shot from his pistol
2nd medium
A two kick a attack that will look exactly like the old heavy
New heavy animation
He now has one that looks similar to gwenpools
Heavy also inflicts a bleed dealing 4324 damage
For 15 seconds after any special deadpools healing over charges giving it 100% more potency
Sp1 1 hit
This attack is now just a simple gunshot
This attack is unblockable
This attack also gives back 50% of the power back
Gives deadpool 10 skills charges
This attack is best used to gain space
Sp2 3 hits
This attack is now two back to back sword slices followed by a gun shot
Each sword hit inflict a bleed dealing 6987 damage over 12 seconds
The gun shot inflicts a armor break reducing armor by 1200 for 10 seconds
Same animation
Gain a prowess for 30 seconds granting 50% increased special damage
Deadpool now regenerates 5% - 15% more heath every second.
Deadpool also starts the quest with 5 to 30 stacks of skills
Greatest friends
With spider-man classic and wolverine
Deadpool x-force - gain 1% more crit rate for each stack of skills
Spider-man classic - on crit gain a fury increasing attack by 30% for 30 seconds max stacks 20
Wolverine - when a buff triggers on the enemy, consume one bleed to nullify it.
With any #canadian
While attacking into the enemy gain a 1 second long fury buff granting 20% more attack
X-forces finest
With any #x-force
Gain 10% more attack per x-force on the team
Only survivors
With domino
Deadpool x-force
When dexing or using your heavy there is a 30% chance to gain another stack of skills
Start the fight with a bleed debuff dealing no damage for 1 second
Not yet, but I am waiting
And if the fights last too long and you dex too often throughout some quest, he also dies?
Doesn't sound that great
If starting at max health (somehow), he'll die in (-14.2%/s + 4.725%/s = -9.475%/s)
100%/9.475%/s = 10.554 seconds.
First of all that's a lot of math, 2nd I should had ran the numbers better, definitely not a sustainable champ, however with the amount he defend reduced I feel this would be a lot better of a champion then one that lasts about 10 seconds in a fight, we do not need immortal hulk 2