Just completed act 7.2 here is my 6* nexus selection
This crystal is probably the sole reason of me losing all the Nexus luck. CGR all the way. BWCV doesn't need the awakening TBH, and it totally would be personal wish about choosing between CGR and CMM.
I chose Captain Marvel because she is my personal preference, but she needs a dupe. Id take duped CMM over CGR any day, but if you have no means of awakening her or dont want to play the slow game, then take CGR.
6* CGR is pretty solid on his own.. bleed and incinerate immune.. CMM is also great.. Black Widow Claire Voyant is also great.. 👌 6* nexus.. Good luck with whatever champion you picked.
I chose Captain Marvel because she is my personal preference, but she needs a dupe. Id take duped CMM over CGR any day, but if you have no means of awakening her or dont want to play the slow game, then take CGR.
I chose Captain Marvel because she is my personal preference, but she needs a dupe. Id take duped CMM over CGR any day, but if you have no means of awakening her or dont want to play the slow game, then take CGR.
I chose Captain Marvel because she is my personal preference, but she needs a dupe. Id take duped CMM over CGR any day, but if you have no means of awakening her or dont want to play the slow game, then take CGR.
6* CGR, CMM or BWCV are top champions so any one would help out your account.. hard decision indeed.. if it were me I'd pick CGR.. but that's what I would have picked.
These are some of my better 6* Nexus. This I think is my best 6* Nexus.. (new) Nick Fury, Ghost or Darkhawk The second closest would be 6* Nexus with Sorcerer Supreme (awaken) or Invisible Woman (new) Third best Doom (new) or Thing (awaken).
Wow the first one is really hard.. sometimes choosing 6* Nexus is depending u already have a 5* version or not. If for my account I will choose ghost easily cause I already have a r5 5* nick fury duped and I don’t have a 5* ghost
For ur second and third nexus I think I will go for new one which is invisible women and dr doom
6* CGR, CMM or BWCV are top champions so any one would help out your account.. hard decision indeed.. if it were me I'd pick CGR.. but that's what I would have picked.
These are some of my better 6* Nexus. This I think is my best 6* Nexus.. (new) Nick Fury, Ghost or Darkhawk The second closest would be 6* Nexus with Sorcerer Supreme (awaken) or Invisible Woman (new) Third best Doom (new) or Thing (awaken).
KennMcoc, I actually have most of them as 5*.. Nick Fury rank4 sig200, Doom rank5 sig200, Ghost rank4 sig165.. Darkhawk rank3 sig160.. CGR rank4 sig20.. BWCV rank5 sig200.. someone I respect suggested I pick Nick Fury for future, as he noted Ghost is great and can work from now till later but Nick Fury can be top tier in higher level alliance.. I am neither that active but I guess I just need to awaken 6* Nick Fury.. first step is having champion, second is awaken said champion..
CGR all the way. BWCV doesn't need the awakening TBH, and it totally would be personal wish about choosing between CGR and CMM.
CGR i would choose personally
I chose Captain Marvel because she is my personal preference, but she needs a dupe. Id take duped CMM over CGR any day, but if you have no means of awakening her or dont want to play the slow game, then take CGR.
Good luck with whatever champion you picked.
These are some of my better 6* Nexus.
This I think is my best 6* Nexus.. (new) Nick Fury, Ghost or Darkhawk
The second closest would be 6* Nexus with Sorcerer Supreme (awaken) or Invisible Woman (new)
Third best Doom (new) or Thing (awaken).
For ur second and third nexus I think I will go for new one which is invisible women and dr doom