Rank 4 Juggernaut Support Group

bentoddfredbentoddfred Member Posts: 50
How many of y'all out there spent 4 of the rarest items in the game on this dude and now he literally does nothing but ride the bench day in and day out? It's to the point where I hate even viewing my in-game profile or opening my champ roster because the pain of seeing him sitting there doing nothing and hogging 4 of the 12-14 possible T2A in the game for those of us who haven't 100% LoL yet.

Kabam - we understand what you're saying about how defensive champs like Juggernaut, Nightcrawler, Mordo etc have not had their abilities altered in anyway. That's perfectly clear and I understand how that argument makes sense from your perspective.

But can you please take a moment and look at it from our point of view? If we are in an alliance with more than 3 R4 Juggernaut (one per battlegroup), then any extraneous Juggernauts are effectively worthless. Actually, they are less than worthless as they can actively LOSE a war for you due to diversity. We worked hard for these T2A and we work hard for the superior 5-star champions that we are dying to use them on instead of a champion that has no purpose anymore.

Please at least acknowledge that this is a real problem... if you don't want to issue even 1 5-star rank down, then please acknowledge that something else needs to be done to make these investments worthwhile again.


  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,302 ★★★★★
    It could alleviate some pain (for me) if I could run multiple quests (although) there is still this energy cap.

    I can then bring Juggs on.
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    But...but...they didn't change any champs...or you can still use them but just in different aspects of the game. My favorite line of **** is "part of the game is building up your roster and using resources "...
    You nailed it though.. not only is it a bad idea to use your champ it can be a penalty..smdh. I know people are against rtds and I understand why. What slays me is the disregard kabam and fellow players show in this situation. Literally you can't use champs for the reason you ranked them up for. Not that the content makes them bad really. Juggernaut will always be a good defender. You just lose points.
    People will argue that content changes and we need to adapt. Usually when content changes you can still use your champs but they might not be as effective. Juggernaut will still be effective but you'll probably lose because of having multiple ones. This really does rob you of resources.
    I'm not advocating for rtds but war needs to be fixed. It sounds like kabam realizes they've made a mistake, let's hope they don't make more fixing this one.
  • bentoddfredbentoddfred Member Posts: 50
    xNig wrote: »
    Like I said, it’s a requirement that us, players, choose to impose upon ourselves to give us a better chance at winning. I don’t see why Kabam should be responsible for the choices we make on how we plan our war defenses.

    What tier are you in?
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    edited October 2017
    2. 2000+ war ratings. Not interested in paying for war in tier 1. :D
  • MilkthewhalesMilkthewhales Member Posts: 81
    Sign me up to this group. What a joke AW is
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    I’m not a noob, if that’s what you’re looking for.

    I’ve explored LoL and have 5 5* r4s at 6k prestige. Half a t2a away from my 6th one.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Surprise the same people complaining about their poor decisions to spend the rarest materials in the game on champions they can’t use.
  • superunknown012superunknown012 Member Posts: 413 ★★
    Not meaning this to be a troll by any means but was literally on the verge of r4'ing my Juggy before the change - was only half a cat away. Got lucky and finally pulled a SW shortly after so just took her to r5 instead.
  • Jlw11Jlw11 Member Posts: 13
    The point is that we always had the "choice" to diversify battlegroups but we didn't before because we had the best chance to win by placing top defenders. Now, in order to have the best chance at winning we MUST diversify.

    I don't see how ranking a champ that could possibly help you win 700 5* shards 3 times a week is a bad decision - quite the opposite really. It's not our fault Kabam changed the rules of the game on us.
  • Mwhitaker23Mwhitaker23 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    I feel bad for everyone that has a 5 star rank 4 jugs.. I have a 4 star at rank 5 I did just for aw defense and I hate looking at him.. such a waste of resources now.. but I wouldn't imagine ranking up the 5 star version.. he is completely useless on the harder content
  • RealPastorRealPastor Member Posts: 82
    Somebody said that Jugs is good for Legend run because of his unst. in the beginning of the fight. Is it true?
  • bentoddfredbentoddfred Member Posts: 50
    xNig wrote: »
    I’m not a noob, if that’s what you’re looking for.

    I’ve explored LoL and have 5 5* r4s at 6k prestige. Half a t2a away from my 6th one.

    Gotcha, well I'm surprised you haven't come to the same conclusion in war that max diversity is the only real way to win. It's unfortunate and it is technically the players' decision, but it's a decision that has been brought on by a huge change to the meta of the game mode by Kabam.

    I checked out your profile (impressive work, my friend) and I can see that you have nothing to regret in your R4 choices. I'm jealous as hell haha. But just take a second to put yourself in the shoes of someone who ranked up a Juggernaut or Spidey to help their alliance secure a few more war wins. That's not a decision anyone would make in the new era of AW.

    I understand your viewpoint, but if you empathize a little, I think you'll agree that this is a problem.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Thank you @bentoddfred.

    It’s not that I’ve not come to the same conclusion. My alliance runs 150 unique defenders as well, and I have explained my stand to my members. Whatever was ranked prior to the change, have served the alliance well in getting the alliance to the current point and was the correct choice at that juncture of time

    This is similar to how someone probably got a 4* duped iron man 1-2 weeks into the game and eventually 4/40ing him to use him as a path clearer for AQ and AW because he was the only choice. Fast forward 6 months, his roster developed and he doesn’t use his iron man again. Does it warrant a rank down ticket?

    How I view it is that, whichever jug was r4ed prior to the change, has served his purpose for helping the alliance progress in terms of securing AW wins and shards. This is similar to all the Hyperions Mordos NCs that each alliance have. Do they all warrant rank down tickets?
  • bentoddfredbentoddfred Member Posts: 50
    xNig wrote: »
    Thank you @bentoddfred.

    It’s not that I’ve not come to the same conclusion. My alliance runs 150 unique defenders as well, and I have explained my stand to my members. Whatever was ranked prior to the change, have served the alliance well in getting the alliance to the current point and was the correct choice at that juncture of time

    This is similar to how someone probably got a 4* duped iron man 1-2 weeks into the game and eventually 4/40ing him to use him as a path clearer for AQ and AW because he was the only choice. Fast forward 6 months, his roster developed and he doesn’t use his iron man again. Does it warrant a rank down ticket?

    How I view it is that, whichever jug was r4ed prior to the change, has served his purpose for helping the alliance progress in terms of securing AW wins and shards. This is similar to all the Hyperions Mordos NCs that each alliance have. Do they all warrant rank down tickets?

    There's a huge difference between your example and an R4 Juggernaut, though. More T4B can be earned with relative ease, whereas T2A won't be readily available to earn on a regular basis for a long time. It's a finite (and expensive) resource at this juncture.

    And yes, the Mordos and Nightcrawlers are the same problem, in my opinion. I only use Juggernaut as an example because that's who I have.

    Finally, I'm not saying that it HAS to be rank down tickets to solve this problem. I'm only saying that it's a problem that needs to be solved. Simply adding defender kills back into the AW scoring would be sufficient, in my opinion
  • bentoddfredbentoddfred Member Posts: 50
    Another difference between your example: Kabam didn't drastically change the meta of questing or AQ or AW attack in such a way that would alter Iron Man's usefulness. He's not an amazing champ, but would still retain much of the usefulness that originally prompted the rank up.
  • MaybeThisIsNotMeMaybeThisIsNotMe Member Posts: 147 ★★
    People complaining of having r4s... Good one.
    I’m over 500k PI and I don’t even have one.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    The example I was giving was that of "a champ that was once useful has become no longer useful" to illustrate my point.

    I fully understand where you're coming from. T4Bs were initially a scarce resource as well until the general population progressed past it. It'll be the same for T2A in time to come.

    That being said, I support your idea in having defender kills count towards the total score, probably about 20 points per kill? That forces alliances to make a choice of "will this defender get more than 2 kills to compensate for my sacrifice of diversity?" IMO, making choices makes a game more meaningful and fun to play, which is why Rank Down Tickets was, and will be, a bad idea.

    They simply invalidate choices players have made.
  • SteebssSteebss Member Posts: 1
    Same problem also got a 5 star rank 4 juggs and he is completely useless since the war update. My t2a have been spend on thrash because of this.
    I'm really disappointed and i hope that it will be fixed.
  • bentoddfredbentoddfred Member Posts: 50
    People complaining of having r4s... Good one.
    I’m over 500k PI and I don’t even have one.

    I worked hard for my R4s (100% Act 4 over a year ago, LoL easy path with 4-Star Star-Lord).

    Just because you've prioritized your progression differently, doesn't minimize our concerns about wasted resources.
  • bentoddfredbentoddfred Member Posts: 50
    @xNig sounds like we're starting to find some common ground here. I'm glad we've kept this constructive.

    You're absolutely right that T2A will be more plentiful someday. I can't wait for that day to come. It's just hard to look that far ahead right now when hard-earned resources are riding the bench. My point is that I think that it's not too much to ask of Kabam to improve our enjoyment of the game a bit by making these resources useful again, either by RDTs or by adjusting war scoring. Someday an R4 Jugg won't sting so much. But it's awful right now and it feels like Kabam just doesn't care.

    Totally agree on that scoring proposal of 20 points per defender kill, btw. I love the strategy that would introduce.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Well, in the meantime you could use the jug for a legends run. He’s pretty fast in heroic where you one shot everything through unstoppable.

    Honestly, he’s really not as bad as everyone seems to think he is.

    Yeah. If there’s a serious conversation of legitimate concern, definitely will keep it constructive. But a crybaby post, on the other hand.... :D
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    People complaining of having r4s... Good one.
    I’m over 500k PI and I don’t even have one.

    So.... over 500k PI and you haven't explored Act 4 yet? Did you just buy an obscene amount of PI rating and only do AQ/AW?
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    xNig wrote: »
    I’m not a noob, if that’s what you’re looking for.

    I’ve explored LoL and have 5 5* r4s at 6k prestige. Half a t2a away from my 6th one.

    With that roster, how would you be “paying” to be in tier 1? I have fought one tier 1 war and used one revive/2 (expiring) healths to clear path 1 (and only bc I missed a dang l2 strange evade with my magik the first time I went in and with my aa—I had lost voodoo to a dormamu on special lock one was just a bad luck fight earlier).

    Regardless, I could have easily gone through that war without spending any items. I have only spent items in 2 wars since “diversity” was introduced (and the first time was two expiring alliance health potions also)
  • ProtisakProtisak Member Posts: 66
    I keep saying the only thing thst will balance this out is to penalize people for sucking. Bring back defender kills and put the decision back in our hands. I sit in tier 2 and we approach the game like this. 100% diverse. If the team is a lower pi we are going to 100% the map no matter what we win. If the team has dupes we are going to 100 % the map no matter what we win buh bye. If its a higher pi alliance. We will play looking for dupes of low pi heroes. If there are enough we will 100% the board. If not ee eill play until we cant move forward using 0 items. If we run up against a similar pi alliance with 100% diversity we will 100% the map and let the cards fall where they may. Last 10 wars we are 8 and 2. All 8 wins were full clears both loses were 0 clears because we had no chance from start. No mystery here fellas
  • TempestTempest Member Posts: 295
    Bring back defender kills!!!! Even at 25 points. Seriously, do it already. It makes sense. If you're worried about people not using their champs because of fear of handing away points, you could make it so that only the use of revives awards points to the opposing team. Each champ revived = 25 points.
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