Can a mod answer this AQ question?

Like many other alliance we have been placed a tier lower than we should be. The question is will we be given the correct map crystals and glory we should have received if in correct tier from milestones and will we be placed in tier appropriate to where we should be placed after this AQ run or based on incorrect tier placed in currently?
We dropped from expert to advanced but were placed in normal, we will probably put up 50-60 mil which would be more than enough to place us back in expert. So where will we go? We would like some feedback so we can plan our maps accordingly the rest of the way and whether or not to keep pushing.
We dropped from expert to advanced but were placed in normal, we will probably put up 50-60 mil which would be more than enough to place us back in expert. So where will we go? We would like some feedback so we can plan our maps accordingly the rest of the way and whether or not to keep pushing.
"They're aware of it and working on a solution now. Collect the rewards you're awarded in the game, it will be fixed later."
That’s right plus think of all those lower tier alliances that normally jump back and forth from normal and advance tiers now have alliances like yours that could stop them from doing such....
Right, because they are looking into it. They don't know what to do with placement/compensation because they don't know what happened. They need to figure that out first before they can determine what should be done.
To wit, in that scenario alliances who were not erroneously demoted would receive double the correct awards, while alliances who were erroneously promoted (if such exist) would receive awards they should have gotten plus higher tier awards they shouldn’t have gotten.
And the alliances who were unfairly demoted/not promoted? They would get the awards they were supposed to get plus the “bonus” of lower tier (inferior) awards. That’s precisely what has happened in arena ranking screw-up scenarios in the past (Guilly arena in 2015, alpha arena, e.g.), and it is patently unfair—in fact, it doubly screws the erroneously demoted alliances.
If replacement awards are to be given out, the only proper solution is to give only to the alliances who were erroneously demoted/not promoted their correct awards individually. Then give a blanket AQ apology package out to everyone. If anyone should be getting extra awards, it should be the alliances who were erroneously demoted/not promoted—not the ones who are where they are supposed to be.
Dr. Zola
All of which only means that they have a lot on their plate to resolve—not likely a quick fix forthcoming. But we can hope it is a fair and reasonable one.
Dr. Zola
This is something that they need to talk about with us, it's not like where one champ has a broke function and "oh, btw we'll get to it in a future update." This is teams of people spending resources(revives, potions, units, boosts and possibly real money), alliances spending treasury(gold, battle chips and loyalty) and greatly impacting our ability to earn what we need to rank up our champs.
Yes, they will definitely have their hands full but they need to say something and not just leave us, the players, in the dark.