What was the direction of falcons buff?

Reecespieces101Reecespieces101 Member Posts: 221
First of all I know i'm late, second of all this is not me hating on his buff, i'm more so confused.

One of falcons biggest parts of his kit is his lock on ability, which allows him to reduce the defensive ability accuracy by 100%, there is however another part that gives him bonus crit damage when the enemy would evade. My question is why is this here, its seems like it would be the main feature of the champion if it were more accessible but instead its just kinda there, this was added with his buff so i'm just confused in general why this little ability exists it why it is specifically only evade.


  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,881 ★★★★★
    Lock On gives extra damage (and extra crit chance when dupped), it reduces AA by 100% and it boosts his SP. These effects are the core of his abilities: get lock on, kill, cooldown, get it up asap again.

    The recalibrate on evade prevention is just an extra ability for the couple evade champs+nodes. That's 20 champs total so it's fair to say it's pretty niche, but helps a lot on the cav EQ
  • WooptyfrickendooWooptyfrickendoo Member Posts: 184
    Falcon is built to be a character that can shutdown a lot of annoying defensive abilities and nodes, while also specializing in punishing evade extra hard. This ability gives him a way to not only prevent evade like he does for other defensive abilities, but also benefit from situations involving evade. In my eyes the crit ability isn't a core value, but instead a nice addition that makes a great champ even better in certain situations. Definitely a top 5 skill champ (#4 imo) after is buff and a joy to play. Wish I had him higher than a 4 star though.
  • TrashyPandaTrashyPanda Member Posts: 1,574 ★★★★★
    The reasoning is simple: Falcon gets increasingly pissed off the more you try to evade him.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    @TrashyPanda Like the rest of us, then! :wink:

    OP: the ability is there to make him hit harder for each evade he prevents with his lock-on ability. As others have said, it's a little niche but it's a nice feature to have when you stumble upon an evade path in a quest/quest in an act, for example. Like the skill chapter in the cavalier difficulty EQ (occasionally).

    He shuts down a lot more than just evades, but when he shuts down evades, he'll hit like a TRAIN.
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