How would you feel about this Incursions Change?

I think a really good feature to add to Incursions is Access to every tier beneath the one you are currently at.
It may seem like this is asking a lot but let me explain why this would be a good change
Progressing Players:
This Change would allow Progressing Players to earn more champions faster which would help accelerate them to earning Uncollected which is a goal in the Roadmap
This change would GREATLY help the lot of us in an Iso Drought. Having Access to 4* Shards would increase our roster which would further improve our chances at getting a duplicate Champion which would provide us with a lot of Iso to level up our champions. And 6*s take a lot of Iso
This reason is strictly personal but I feel like Incursions is becoming more boring. I only play it like 4 times every month and while it does give us a decent amount of shards and artifacts, I feel like it should provide more. If this change were to occur I would definitely find myself playing more of this mode.
That’s my thoughts but I want to hear your opinion on this
P.S. I’d take Solo Incursions instead
It may seem like this is asking a lot but let me explain why this would be a good change
Progressing Players:
This Change would allow Progressing Players to earn more champions faster which would help accelerate them to earning Uncollected which is a goal in the Roadmap
This change would GREATLY help the lot of us in an Iso Drought. Having Access to 4* Shards would increase our roster which would further improve our chances at getting a duplicate Champion which would provide us with a lot of Iso to level up our champions. And 6*s take a lot of Iso
This reason is strictly personal but I feel like Incursions is becoming more boring. I only play it like 4 times every month and while it does give us a decent amount of shards and artifacts, I feel like it should provide more. If this change were to occur I would definitely find myself playing more of this mode.
That’s my thoughts but I want to hear your opinion on this
P.S. I’d take Solo Incursions instead
Actually many players just do the incursion milestones, every 5 days - 6 times a month, including myself.
The first three milestones are the ones that give artifacts. Beyond that, they just give gold.
The artifacts are a good source of crystals. 22k artifacts gives a 5 star crystal. And the monthly milestones themselves can get you 19k artifacts, for tier 2. Remaining come from the zone awards. A guaranteed method for a 5 star crystal, that is very useful for progressing players.
If someone is doing a lower tier, they can only do it solo, and there would be only path to run through.
(Could someone tell me, how often do the zone rewards refresh?)
Zone rewards refresh monthly. I think it's 7th of every month. There's a timer available where you can see your tier.
Or if we can do the 10 on multiple runs where you don't have to start over from 0.
Essentially it's hard to carve out 1 hour of uninterrupted time with someone else.