Who should I rank up?

FlashSpideyFlashSpidey Member Posts: 107
So I currently only have one 5* r5(Hyperion). I got a second t5 catalyst so I can rank up another very soon. Not sure who to pick. I suppose I am between sig 45 CAIW, sig 85 Colossus, BWCV, or saving for my 6* HT. Leaning on saving but wasn't sure. I have other options but these ones seem the best to me. Which one should I do?

Who should I rank up? 8 votes

CAIW(sig 45)
Colossus(sig 85)
Joker1976DawsManjscott96tofuシMagror 5 votes
OliverJWKill_GreySarvanga1_ 3 votes
Save for HT


  • AndyBeardoAndyBeardo Member Posts: 184
    All those options are very good and will help you a lot. It depends on the rest of your roster and preferences.

    If you're unsure, pick the one you enjoy playing with the most because that's what it's all about.
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