Looking for 3 or 4 to join a fringe Silver 1/Gold 3 Alliance that runs 4/4/3 AQ or better

Like the title says - We were a Gold 3 alliance most of last season until we lost a few in a row. Looking for a few to help us stay in Gold for war. We run 2 BGs with no push to join unless you want to get rewards. Our current plan is to run 4/4/3 in AQ unless we get a few good players that would like to help with Map 5 and then we would go 5/4/3 or 5/4/4 for AQ.
We are a chill alliance that helps each other out through discord and if we're not talking about the game we're talking about anything and everything.
Contact in game @ DEADP00L87 (With 2 zeros) or
Discord @ DEADP00L87#0271
We are a chill alliance that helps each other out through discord and if we're not talking about the game we're talking about anything and everything.
Contact in game @ DEADP00L87 (With 2 zeros) or
Discord @ DEADP00L87#0271