Need your help in Thronebreaker rank up decision!

Hy guys!
Finally formed my mystic T5cc after exploring Variant 6 and from today's side event.I have Claire and Symbiote supreme as a rank 3 option.Currently doing act 7.1 exploration and looking to go for abyss easy path completion next.
I have Doom and Claire both at rank 5 too.
So whom should I take to rank 3?
Will Symbiote will be helpful in abyss more than Doom or should I consider the more utility aspect of Claire in end game content?
Apart from that, you have a Claire at rank 5, so possibly you could take your 6* to rank 3 later too.
If abyss is your target now, Sym supreme should be great for it.
I would go Claire, i have found her to be more useful in later content so you will be using her more then sym.
However if you prefer Sym and play him a lot go with him.
No point R3 a champ who will mainly sit on the bench.
I Went with Claire.