From willpower to despair
This post has nothing to do with masteries. I've lost all willpower to play the game and am now in despair mode.
Since new arenas came in, unit intake chocked. I found myself not doing any May content and feel like I'm gonna skip on June as well. With AQ break my routine has completely changed to one daily login and auto daily quests. That's about it.
I'm completely overwhelmed by changes and don't feel like investing time nor units for energy refills to complete content at all. It feels like more time is required to play lately and quality of life idea has been trashed. I'm probably gonna be in "auto" and "AQ only" mode for June, but if July doesn't have brighter news I'll probably uninstall...
Anyone else feeling anything similar?
Since new arenas came in, unit intake chocked. I found myself not doing any May content and feel like I'm gonna skip on June as well. With AQ break my routine has completely changed to one daily login and auto daily quests. That's about it.
I'm completely overwhelmed by changes and don't feel like investing time nor units for energy refills to complete content at all. It feels like more time is required to play lately and quality of life idea has been trashed. I'm probably gonna be in "auto" and "AQ only" mode for June, but if July doesn't have brighter news I'll probably uninstall...
Anyone else feeling anything similar?
I've given up on the race months ago, not that I was in it to begin with. After going full casual, my enjoyment has risen, but it's kinda like the enjoyment you get from watching a trainwreck -- then you remember you're on that train too.