what is wrong wtih my account Kabam?????

Hello Kabam,
I have a query Regards 4star crystal & Featured Hero Crystal (That costs 150 units).
From last 2 Months uptill now I have opened like 15 to 20 4 star Crystals & about 10 to 16 featured hero crystal, None of the crystal
gave me a better champ it is always disappointing that I always gets champs like :
Civil Warrior, She Hulk, Kamala Khan, Luke Cage, Red Hulk.
While I am hoping the heroes that are Hulk, Hyperion, Dr.Voodoo, Hood, Quake, Ice Man.
I am not saying that I want the most powerful champs but atleast one better champ is enough among 5 or 6 four star crystals.
As you would know that I am currently at Summoner Level 54, & expect more from you guys.
It looks if this is continued..... then in future I will not be interested in the game anymore.
I am not looking my advantage but so as other players too.


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