Seasoned Summoner Appreciation

PugonePugone Member Posts: 19
Hi, this is my first time posting to th forums and I do truly hope that folks from the game team see this. The 3 year anniversary of mcoc is fast approaching and my assumption is that just like last years 2 anniversary, there will be some fanfare and appreciation shown to all the dedicated summoners out there. For me personally I took great pride in receiving the seasoned summoner title. It blew my mind that I'd been grinding this game daily for two years, playing it since it first dropped. When I think that this time it'll be three years, a commitment I've never made to any game ever. I'm sure kabam has some plans to yet again honor those diehard players who've been around since the beginning.
It's with this in mind that I would like to make a suggestion about making up for a slight that a good number of those seasoned summoners were dealt, myself included. This suggestion centers around the omission of some seasoned summoners receiving the coveted 5* awakening crystal that was a part of the compensation package after the 12.0 patch. I personally know a good number of summoners who, like myself, had been ridiculously shy of the 200k cut line for receiving it. Just like myself, these summoners were within 5k of the mark and couldn't help but scream foul over the fact that long ago, back in the days when 4*s and 5*s were so much harder to attain, we'd sold champs to get at those coveted assets. As a result our player rating took a hit. We were operating in good faith within the conditions of the game yet seemed to be suffering from it. We'd all avidly tried to get one of those gems from the dimensional rifts but to no avail. Now here we are, daily players, with strong rosters playing for high level alliances yet we've never gotten this precious resource.
Here's the chance to show all those dedicated summoners that love and appreciation. Many of us have felt disregarded and disrespected over time. Revitalize our passionate participation in this game that we truly love and support. When you roll out whatever hoopla you most surely have planned for this celebratory occasion, send us that crystal. Let us know how much you truly appreciate all those hours we've so freely poured into this app not to mention all dollars we've so willingly spent.


  • AfridAfrid Member Posts: 529 ★★
    edited October 2017
    I don't like this idea at all. Maybe it has something to do with me not being a seasoned summoner
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★
    edited October 2017
    I don't agree with this suggestion because:
    1. Participation usually isn't a trophy in this game (apart from the monthly login calendar but that's another story). 5* awakening gems should be earned in game, or bought whenever they are offered for sale.

    2. It was your choice to sell champs. You craved certain assets, you went with a certain course of action. The general consensus is to never sell champs. I don't see that as operating in good faith.

    3. What about people that started playing the game a few days after it launched? They have just a strong claim to call themselves a veteran just like you, even though they don't have the title. Giving only the players a 5*AG with the title will surely disenfranchise other veterans who started playing a few days after launch.

    Sorry OP, but I respectfully don't think being a Seasoned Summoner entitles you to a 5* AG if your rating didn't qualify you to get it. There were certain guidelines set by Kabam to get the AG, and you are responsible for your own choices and actions if you failed to meet the requirements.
  • PugonePugone Member Posts: 19
    #addyos I'd like to hit your points
    one by one.
    1. Participation is what got those that were awarded the package the crystal in the first place. If you aren't participating you aren't increasing your rating and if your rating wasn't high enough you didn't get it. So this argument isn't strong on your part. The seasoned summoners I'm referring to clearly were worthy, their rating was just a smidge under that 200k cutline. Why? Because of point two.
    2. At the time we sold those champs, which was basically towards the end of the first year and beginning of the second, there was no indication that selling your champs was a negative action. In fact the prevailing wisdom you speak of, not to sell champs, was born in large part from those of us who did sell early on. We realized that it was better to have champs to dupe. The negative impact on PI wasn't really apparent for some time after as aq and aw, aspects of the game that didn't exist from quite some time from the original inception, became more important.
    3. The seasoned summoner title wasn't given only to those that played from the word go. I think it was those from the first month. And my request is to benefit all those seasoned summoners out there. They deserve it. They're some of the best, most generous and supportive members of this community. The rating for the 12.0 compensation package wasn't announced until after they'd already determined the packages and awarded them. Guidelines after the fact aren't guiding.
  • MisterNiceGuyMisterNiceGuy Member Posts: 184
    Giving that awakening gem based on rating was a mistake. It should have been based on number of fights - maybe a combination of quest and arena wins. I too was only a few thousand short in rating because I'm more conservative in my upgrades. This was one of the reasons I semi retired from the game 6 months ago.
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