Any rough timeline/update on when Miles Morales will be buffed?

Any ideas? Since OG Black Panther buff has happened already? I believe the next promised overhaul is Miles?
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Any help/hints please!
We know from the buff poll that overhauls usually take about 4-5 months (June to October/November). We also know that animation updates (like Miles is supposed to be) take longer than that, and need a separate schedule. Maybe about 6-7 months. Likely not longer than that, because making a new champ takes about 7 months (based on Hercules' dev diaries).
Miles' buff was first talked about in early February, when they apparently hadn't yet started working on him, but knew he was on the schedule already. February + 6-7 months is August/September.
September makes more sense, as apparently they're alternating pure ability overhauls and animation overhauls. (Mags - DDHK - VtD - BP - WM). Meaning July is another new animation, August is just abilities, September again animations and October is (probably) Antman, no new animations. This isn't a hard rule, as the community buff might also release in November.
September is my best bet, but he could really be coming anytime from next month to December.