Which 1 is the most powerful?

Cahkko_69Cahkko_69 Member Posts: 40

Which 1 is the most powerful? 42 votes

Black widow claire voyant
Haji_SaabTorTinxDyossLvernon15Antimoniter233MysterioRockypantherxDr_Z01dbergKill_GreyEtjamaSarvanga1_Sparx2654dlaiDanyal_39LpooEtherealityTheBair123ScrubhanWill3808The_grim3 35 votes
SimbalakaErcarretReal_Madrid_76_2 3 votes
dot_dittoStarkyToneYodabolt21 3 votes
Spity68 1 vote


  • Dr_Z01dbergDr_Z01dberg Member Posts: 512 ★★★
    Black widow claire voyant
    Cahkko_69 said:

    Did you just compare Claire and Beast??
  • Cahkko_69Cahkko_69 Member Posts: 40
    Black widow claire voyant

    Cahkko_69 said:

    Did you just compare Claire and Beast??
    I haven’t tryed beast yet so yes i did
  • mattressmattress Member Posts: 494 ★★★
    Claires amazing, KM is good, tigra is great if u can learn her( difficult playstyle, high reward), beast is a dud
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,579 ★★★★★
    Black widow has utility but no damage, km is defensive and has high bleed damage, tigra is highest mystic dps and beast isn't a beast at all
  • Sparx265Sparx265 Member Posts: 271
    Black widow claire voyant

    Black widow has utility but no damage, km is defensive and has high bleed damage, tigra is highest mystic dps and beast isn't a beast at all

    Claire always get hate for her damage. It is not even that bad, plus she is meant for utility not for damage. Compared to tigra she has way more utility, and is way easier to play. For a progressing player, Claire is miles better
  • EtherealityEthereality Member Posts: 685 ★★★
    Black widow claire voyant
    In terms of "who's the most powerful" well hands down that would be Tigra...problem is that you have to learn her in order to unlock that power, shes kinda tricky and does need some time investment on order to truly master.

    So, if you don't know how to Tigra and don't want to/dont have the patience and the time to learn her well then your answer is BWCV. She is a true Swiss Army Knife of a champ, so much utility and awesomeness packed into one single champ is something quite rare. The game has quite a lot of specialist champs, which is fine actually. But sometimes Kabam attempts to design champs that can do many things at the same time , and usually fails at it because they end up being too impractical to use ( example: Psycho man, Jubilee, Purgatory).... but BWCV is a very rare gem in the game, very few champs can match her in terms of having so much useful stuff ( damage, heal, nullify, dots, power steal, stagger-like abilities, cheat death, etc) in a way that is both accessible and viable in questing, AQ, EQ, Incursions, etc.

    You can't go wrong with BWCV
  • The_beast123The_beast123 Member Posts: 2,190 ★★★★
    I wonder how do people say Claire has 'no damage', 'not bad'. She is one among the highest base attack champs in the game. Have the death touch active and use your SP2 in Curse of Hellfire, maybe then you'll know what she could do.

    No need for me to talk about her utility, @Ethereality has given a decent enough explanation about it.
    But seriously man, I haven't seen a champ who can regen, power control, nullify and still have insane damage too.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,067 ★★★★★
    The thing about Claire is that she is very situational. If she isn't fighting an opponent with immunities that she can build Clairvoicane charges against, or that is firing off debuffs that she is immune to herself, she won't build those charges and her special attacks won't do anything particularly astonishing. However, there's a whole other thing if she fires off one at 20 charges. Crikey, the damage (or healing, or power steal).

    Miles apart, those two scenarios.
  • Cahkko_69Cahkko_69 Member Posts: 40
    Black widow claire voyant
    Thank you all for you’re response i really didn’t expect to get so many comments and votes thank you
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