Android Lag

Name: CabooseBLC
Model: Galaxy A6
Operating System: Android 10
Version: 31.1.1
Game Mode: Every game mode I have experienced problems

Issue: During fights I experience lag and freezing throughout, and before I click start fight it lags for like 10 seconds. It also lags whenever I travel through the game UI like in the main menu and such. Everything takes a long time to load. I have the worst issue in AQ whenever I start a fight. When I press start fight in AQ the game freezes for like 20-30 seconds, which causes me to lose time. I have experienced these problems for almost a year now and I am hoping for it to be resolved. So in summary, I experience lag during fights and freezes during loading screens.


  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Hey @B3astKillaz_, I'm sorry to hear you've been experiencing these issues. Please take a moment to provide the requested information in the dedicated thread for Android users, located HERE. Thanks!
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