Beat these Gauntlet rewards

For the record, I’m not complaining, the T5CC Selectors made it most definitely worth it, plus all of the other catalysts and the gems, but my pulls definitely could have been better. I’ll take the Morningstar dupe, but I’ve never been a huge mojo fan, and I don’t have a very high opinion of the nexus either. Was very tempted to dupe Loki, but I’ve had enough mystic pulls for one day (I took DDHK).
He's probably the best damage dealer in the mystic class in short- medium fights and somewhere around third best damage dealer in medium - long fights only behind doom and tigra. Longshot is up there if there are a lot of buffs in the fight but mojo has more utility.
He is one of the best general questing/lane clearing champion in the mystic class. He can bust down a ton of damage very quickly, has a ton of power gain, a lot of his damage is through passive degen that very few defenders are immune to and he is nigh infinitely sustainable with his regen.
His primary downsides are again he needs his sig and a very high sig level to be really good but there are very few mystic champions that need to be awakened or have sigs pumped into. He also is technically a ramp up champion but he's not a champion like morningstar where he's painful to use on his first or second fight. He's still amazing the first fight you bring him into he just get's even better the second and third fight.( His ramp up is also very quick and easy) He also doesn't deal with permanent buffs well at all so champs like medusa you won't just steam through like with other top mystics that can strip down any buffs.
He's one of my most wanted pulls as a six star at the moment and I have a mystic awakening gem and 100 sig stones to pump into him the second i pull him