Aq and war punishments

Why are we still getting punished for the game crashing (in aq and war) since this has been an ongoing issue and Kabam has been well aware of it? This is ridiculous that the community as a whole gets punished for the actions of a few individuals. Especially since the game crashes on a regular basis. The options which have been given to correct this aren’t realistic; restart the game before every match in those modes. Or get a newer device and even then still it crashes. Come on. I have been playing this game for over six years, and this is the worst I have seen it. When is the stability of the game or this punishment going to get fixed? It has been months since this was first addressed.


  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    It hasn't happened in a couple of months for me, but I was having issues where I would click the Fight button and the game would hang indefinitely on the loading screen. My ally mates could see the fight timer in progress even though I was still "loading". After 5-10 minutes I would restart the game and have lost have health, even though the fight never began.

    I get that if you quit a fight in progress you should not be able to just restart at full health or whatever. But there seems t be some disconnect in the software that punishes you even though you didn't quit the fight midway and in fact never got past the loading screen. Maybe there needs to be a two-step process in which you confirm your attacker choice by clicking a button, then whatever needs to load gets loaded, and when ready the Fight button becomes active?
  • Deltawhiskey14Deltawhiskey14 Member Posts: 4
    That would make things a little better tbh. Just got stuck in the loading screen for 10 min before ultimately having to restart the game. Of course this was right after I pushed fight. So again just lost another 1/2 pool of my health. Yeah I get back in the day when the game was in the early days, people quit during matches, and that’s what lead to this. But with all these glitches and game crashes, you would maybe….possibly…….a smidgen…..teeny tiny chance that kabam would lit this until they can fix it. Wishful thinking, I know. :(
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