Mysterio is ok.. but there are many champions which can armor break and that would affect his abilities.. I have mine at rank1/25 sig80.. he was the only tech I had awaken.. I got anxious and just placed all my tech sigs into him, in hindsight I should have thought it more and saved the sigs for another tech champion. He ain't bad but he definitely isn't Ghost, Warlock, Guardian level.. Stealth Spidey is great, so is She-hulk... personally I'd say She-hulk or Jabari Panther.. SilverSurfer is pretty useful and is the best prestige champion.. Killmonger is good, sp2 invulnerability, but need awaken for reverberation.. Mojo degen is probably the best in the game and he is somewhat annoying to fight in AW unless they have Human Torch (come to think of it, most mystic will melt against Human Torch Nova flame).
Judging by this i assume you’re an endgame player/ whale. Show off jabari since shes fairly new, seen good things from her, and she’s a decent defender it appears.
depends what you are going for, she hulk helps loads in a lot of content and has useful utilities, not saying the others dont but shes probably the best at doing so. if you are doing it for aw def(with specific nodes) then pick to the corresponding nodes/buffs. if its for aq same thing as aw go with immune/healing champs to help make things easier. GL on the choice tho