Void,Torch or Beardo

Who’s the Best after Quake
Void,Torch or Beardo 34 votes
7 votes
12 votes
15 votes
unawakened: torch is the best imo
awakened and high sig: beardo is the best imo
He has insane damage
As my account has progressed, I've ranked up champions that do each individual thing Beardo does better than he does, so I rarely bring him with me anymore; but the fact that I needed to have a whole roster full of better counters to all kinds of scenarios to make him slightly irrelevant is extremely telling.
The other two are obviously amazing champs as well, but I don't think I would recommend anyone ranking up one of them over Beardo early in the game. There will come a time when they do their things better than Beardo does them, but until then? Nah, I'm a sucker for the old dude with the scraggly beard.