10.5k prestige looking for aq focused alliance

Looking for map6/7 aq focused alliance..


  • eggesteggest Member Posts: 166
    edited June 2021
    Would you do a mix of map 5 and 6?
    My alliance is looking for one or two good players to run with us. We run a mix of map 5 and 6, scoring 300mil. We are doing map 6 for the first two days minimum, sometimes more.

    Wars are 2 bgs on rotation, so everyone plays but also gets regular breaks from it. We get gold 2 in around tier 6-7. Nothing too bad.

    We are a friendly bunch, most of the group has been playing together for about 3-4 years. Quite understanding of people being busy and having work that comes first etc.

    If interested, message me on Line at eggest1
  • Clarkkent76Clarkkent76 Member Posts: 282
    If you think you could run 7x5 with epics contact me. clarkkent6631 on Line
  • ZeuszeroZeuszero Member Posts: 54
    We are aq focused alliance with map6 and map7, contact me if interested;

    line: zeus1234567891011121
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