Bring more 2 Star Champions!!!

I started playing this game by seeing my friend.I had seen in his profile that he had different 2 stars such as Characters in Spider Verse Crystal, Guardian of Galaxy Crystal, Wolverine X 23 and Old Man Logan.The 2 star variants of these champions were released during special occasions like Release of Guardians of Galaxy Vol. 2, Spider man :Homecoming, Logan,etc.
Therefore I request the development team to add the 2 star characters to the 2 star Crystal and Premium Hero Crystal.
This would help the beginners like me to advance more.So I request that all the playable 3 star characters must be brought in as 2 stars too.
Thanking You,


  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,320 ★★★★★
    You will soon by-pass 2* champs usefulness. Focus on getting 3* and next level is 5*.
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