Alright now that I’ve used him...

My Rank 2 Unawakened Stealthy is a let down. Good damage for ZERO utility. If anyone has used him in new content please tell me where he could outshine other champs anywhere if at all.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
His utility is very obvious, unlike elsa's.
Cav eq
My 5/65 did fantastic job
Going to r2 6 Star one too.
He got very good utility and damage.idk what's bad about him you are talking
Elsa runs through the others better just cause she’s at r3 haven’t brought in Elsa to a fight where I thought “damn, I should use stealthy for this.” Hopefully awakening changes my mind about this.
If you can't see his utility unawakened... you're not going to see it when he is awakened. However, if you are in the "damage=utility" camp, maybe your mind can be changed.
1) I solo'd the act 6 adaptoid boss with Stealthy.
2) My first clear of this month's EQ cav difficulty (suicides off) , he cleared the entire :crit me with your best shot" lane.
3) Aspect of war lane.
4) I use him against thing all the time.
5) While practicing against abyss thing I once brought thing to 45% , the combo meter was really high but yeah it was fun.
6) I also used him against the gwenmaster boss.
He's a great champion if he suits your playstyle , for me i like how you can intercept almost anyone with Stealthy.
Bullet time
Except mutant evaders used him for many evade Champs. Miss mechanic fight and he was also good for mercy path in 7.2.4
Was very helpful against VTD boss
Forgot chapter but that intercept flow path where namor was 1 defender
On same quest footloose path.
Not only in 7.2 he was useful to me in 7.1 and good for other content too
Miss counter
Very safe option in war if you are going to hit In block as he is almost never gets reparry or some times parry too.
You say easy content
Act 6.2 champion boss
Act 6 adaptoid boss solo
Act 6.4 capiw boss
Good amount of work in act 6 lanes
Used him frequently in 7.1 exploration
Used him abyss did save some pots and did the job very good.
Took him up only for my initial abyss clear on second id last November.
(Team: stealth, capiw, doom void Corvus)
Soloed thing (only solo in my run with stealth)
Used him a lot in v5 and v7. He managed to solo storm boss in v5 every single time. Countered all those evaders and annoying invisible womens..
Was helpful in exploring 7.1, there was a path he cheese with weaponX boss fight, and he was best counter for UColossus in that path. Even helped in 2-3 paths during 6.3 and 6.4. He is pretty decent option for countering unstoppable.
I didn't had fury/aegon.
He and MoleGod(pre buff) did so much work for my second id.
He always soloed(every single time) war thing bosses without even a single hassle or pressure.
I hate his clunky animations.
I hate his initial double hit medium, second medium I don't mind. I hate his dash back. I hate that I have to concentrate to connect specials after a double hit combo.
I hate him to infinity and beyond, I hate how some people overrates him,
But I can appreciate what he did for my developing second account.
He stayed my top 5 prestige for many months, so that was his secondary use.
I don't use him anymore... And I don't care. He can stay in defence if need be.
I also used him in act 7. Certain paths, and especially on the tranquility path where he was my best option. He's put in a decent amount of work in alliance war for me as well. At this point, my roster is much more developed than when he was my 5th rank 5, so I'm now sigging him up for prestige.
you say stealthy has zero utility when he has loads more than Elsa
I'd just prefer to use other champs to do what he can.