Next Mutant R3?

McocHPMcocHP Member Posts: 50
I'm now able to take another mutant to R3. My first R3 mutant was Apocolypse.
Got 6star cable and domino sat at R2. I also have 6 star R2 masacre and red hulk.
I do not run suicides. Should I take cable or domino to rank 3?


  • The_beast123The_beast123 Member Posts: 2,171 ★★★★
    I think Cable would be they way to go. Guaranteed degen is always nice bruh, unlike her bleeds. But that synergy gives her powerful incinerates, so I guess if I were you, I would had taken Cable, Domino could still do great with those synergies.
    Cable is a lot of fun as a horseman.
  • JuggerNotJuggerNot Member Posts: 432 ★★
    I would say cable just because of how well he synergizes with apocalypse
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