5x7 map 7 ally looking for 1, 10% t5 class weekly secured

Bg-ta is an international alliance, which is currently recruiting active members for the next war season. Not really interested in tourist who will join for just 1 season and then leave, we are trying to build a stronger team and remain competitive.
The goal – map 7 with epic multipliers the entire week + finish in plat 3 (as a start)
Last season we were getting 10% t5cc a week and the top priority is to maintain this. We finished in Plat 3 last season but had issues with some players who sabotages us, had to make replacements mid season, etc. Plat 2 is achievable.
We’re looking for players:
1. Active and have rosters to play map7 and war at the same time (AQ with priority)
2. Can buy 150 tickets weekly to play map7
3. Prestige – around 11k
We offer:
1. Guaranteed 10% t5cc a week (when finishing 100% all days) + another 5% from the glory store
2. At least plat 3 ( could aim for 2-1 when we stabilize, if the rewards are worthy)
3. Friendly environment with open communication – for tips, jokes, everyone’s opinion is important
4. Excellent organization in terms of BGs assignment, war and AQ paths planning from the leader and officers team
Line ID: Gothecityonfire
The goal – map 7 with epic multipliers the entire week + finish in plat 3 (as a start)
Last season we were getting 10% t5cc a week and the top priority is to maintain this. We finished in Plat 3 last season but had issues with some players who sabotages us, had to make replacements mid season, etc. Plat 2 is achievable.
We’re looking for players:
1. Active and have rosters to play map7 and war at the same time (AQ with priority)
2. Can buy 150 tickets weekly to play map7
3. Prestige – around 11k
We offer:
1. Guaranteed 10% t5cc a week (when finishing 100% all days) + another 5% from the glory store
2. At least plat 3 ( could aim for 2-1 when we stabilize, if the rewards are worthy)
3. Friendly environment with open communication – for tips, jokes, everyone’s opinion is important
4. Excellent organization in terms of BGs assignment, war and AQ paths planning from the leader and officers team
Line ID: Gothecityonfire