@BakeJake The difference is that now you only need 4m points to get 135 units. In the previous arena you needed to get 12m to get 140. Assuming you did EVERYTHING with 6 star champs. That would mean you would get 6m in this version so you still only need to do 2/3 of the work for the same units, and most likely, roughly the same amount of rank reward shards.
So it will take a somewhat similar effort at least, given that 6 stars are worth half what they were previously. Why couldn't they have just made it a 5 star and below arena? That would've allowed lower ranked players a better game experience in the regular arena, and kept all the paid account whales in the feature arena. This actually makes me not want to play either arena, which is fine, because it means less screen time during the summertime hahaha