Monthly EQ survey

dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
Hi, I know, another discussion about Monthly EQ .. however, I wanted to take a different spin on things.
So far, most of the polls/posts/etc I've seen have been simply focused on "too hard" vs "too easy", when we all know there is a wide range of players going into that Cav monthly EQ. I'm curious to gather this info if you all don't mind answering 6 quick questions.

I'm guessing the people finding it easy are the ones that likely well into Act 7, and the ones finding it harder probably just got access to it? But wanted to try to gather the numbers .. ;)

(i'll post results after enough sampling)


  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    @dot_ditto question #2 could be done better. It asks what we have completed 100% up to and including. I haven't gotten around to exploring act 6 but I've done 7.1 100%. But I put Act 5 because putting 7.1 would include act 6...
  • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★

    @dot_ditto question #2 could be done better. It asks what we have completed 100% up to and including. I haven't gotten around to exploring act 6 but I've done 7.1 100%. But I put Act 5 because putting 7.1 would include act 6...

    I knew that was a case when writing it, but after some thought, I figured it still gives an idea ... and you answered exactly what I wanted to see ;)

    I do understand some are finding act 7 "easier" to 100% (or "more worth" ) than act 6 .. but that's fine ... there's enough other questions to help gauge things ;)

    I'll give it another day or 2 then post results for everyone.
  • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
    Ok .. only 23 responses .. but I don't want to drag this out too long ... got a good representation, I feel ...

    I'm not that good with survey monkey, so not sure how to show relations between questions, so just managed that somewhat manually ..

    I looked over the individual responses .. to see who was responding easy vs hard, and what they've completed ... (ie abyss, Act5/6/7, etc) .. and definitely seeing the trend I hypothesized in my initial post:

    7 people said it was easy or very easy .. those people were almost exclusively thronebreakers, who had completed abyss of legends ...

    6 people said it was hard (ie struggled/violated :) ) .. those were almost exclusively Cav or Uncollected, who haven't done anything beyond Realm of Legends, and 100% only act 4 .. maybe 5 ..

    Rest are in the "mid range" ... mix of Cav/TB ..

    Obviously 1 or 2 "statistical outliers" .. (ie 1 TB reported they "struggled", 1 "Cav" in the "Easy").

    But all in all, I can definitely see the gap and the disparity between the people saying it's hard vs it's easy.

    And I think it makes perfect sense ... and (until they release a TB difficulty), I think the Cav difficulty is close to "perfect" the way it is.

    Yes, it kinda sucks for TB that they don't have a challenging Monthly event ... however, with the release of things like the Summer of Pain, and such .. hopefully they get their "fix" there until they finally release TB difficulty!!

    Thanks guys!!
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