New War Idea - Investing in War, Diversity Enhancement, and Kills get points.
Premise: Alliances bet on wars using Gold, Units, Loyalty, Battle Chips. The more you put in the more you get out of it in terms of 5* crystals, 4* crystals, up to class t4cc. Levels of bets are established with rewards. Each defender kill is changed from 0 points to 25 points. Certain champ types give more diversity points depending on a randomly generated field shown before placement. Similar to Class champ usage but specific to War.
Goal: War becomes an investment. Diversity has to be weighed with potential kills. If a defender can get the kill then the dupe was worth it, if they cant then the other team is now ahead. Make champs invested for defense good again. Adds a level of fun, accountability, and skill back to AW. Randomly Generating A champ type for bonus diversity points will insure diversity and help prevent only mystic placement etc.
Potential Issues & Suggested Solutions: The system could continue to be gamed by high tier alliances discussing when to start war so they are not paired against each other. This would be matched by 1. Only pairing Alliances based off the Gamble level. Ie Alliance A betting at the highest tier of units/gold/etc would only be matched with Alliance B betting at the same level. 2. Balancing the field between Tiers: A difficulty multiplier would need to be added based on Alliance tier variance. Ie Tier 1 fighting a tier 2 would have a X% difficulty multiplier for the Tier 1. A tier 1 fighting a tier 3 would have X% * 2 difficulty multiplier for Tier 1. Etc.
Goal: War becomes an investment. Diversity has to be weighed with potential kills. If a defender can get the kill then the dupe was worth it, if they cant then the other team is now ahead. Make champs invested for defense good again. Adds a level of fun, accountability, and skill back to AW. Randomly Generating A champ type for bonus diversity points will insure diversity and help prevent only mystic placement etc.
Potential Issues & Suggested Solutions: The system could continue to be gamed by high tier alliances discussing when to start war so they are not paired against each other. This would be matched by 1. Only pairing Alliances based off the Gamble level. Ie Alliance A betting at the highest tier of units/gold/etc would only be matched with Alliance B betting at the same level. 2. Balancing the field between Tiers: A difficulty multiplier would need to be added based on Alliance tier variance. Ie Tier 1 fighting a tier 2 would have a X% difficulty multiplier for the Tier 1. A tier 1 fighting a tier 3 would have X% * 2 difficulty multiplier for Tier 1. Etc.