"Trophy" champs in arena

Arena grinding is tough. Just to make it a little bit interesting, I'll try to post images of matches that contain a "trophy" champ (which on my list is Deadpool (Red), Goldpool, Iron Fist (Immortal) Kang, Platinumpool, Thanos, Ultron, Wolverine X).

If you have any of the others, feel free to post here.

If you have any of the others, feel free to post here.

They are trophy champs only because of their limited availability. If they are included in the arenas, their "trophy" value will no longer remain.
Oh lol. I thought he's saying, include them in arenas.
And big baby Kang:
Not really a trophy champ, I just didn’t think this was possible…
I found it.
Did not realised the champ can be ranked so high up. I kept using 1-Stars to lure it out but did not happen.