Yes, triple immunity (should be quadruple immunity since he needs coldsnap immunity, but that's another thing), ice armor useful if you mess up and give the defender an sp3, coldsnap useful against evade champs. Damage isn't anything special but it's not bad either. Just a useful champ overall.
Iceman was my first maxed out 5*. He’s very useful, could use a slight damage bump though. But he’s an evade counter, can tank special 3s, and has triple immunities. Not to mention some nice burst damage on a heavy if u build up some frostbites on the opponent.
Iceman is either really good, or very average. This depends on the player.
He's really good for early rosters and newer summoners since his abilities and mechanics are very forgiving for the progressing player.
However for an advanced player and roster, he loses a lot of value due to learning the mechanics of the game and the necessity of his abilities in one package as opposed to other champions.
Don’t Regret it
He's really good for early rosters and newer summoners since his abilities and mechanics are very forgiving for the progressing player.
However for an advanced player and roster, he loses a lot of value due to learning the mechanics of the game and the necessity of his abilities in one package as opposed to other champions.