Why Ronin over Hawkeye?

My God, does this even make any sense?
The OG Avengers are God-awful, and here we are, ramping up a champ that many people thought was R3 worthy already. Does this make any sense? Is there a big picture? Are names being drawn from a hat?
Maybe next month Quake can become True Strike Immune, or maybe Doom and Apoc can become DOT immune? Just ideas.
The OG Avengers are God-awful, and here we are, ramping up a champ that many people thought was R3 worthy already. Does this make any sense? Is there a big picture? Are names being drawn from a hat?
Maybe next month Quake can become True Strike Immune, or maybe Doom and Apoc can become DOT immune? Just ideas.
How long has Ronin been in game? And does he really "need" it?
Hawkeye needs power gain only, in my opinion. He'd then be crazy, spamming bleed and sp1. Or maybe have his sp1 drop degen on bleed immune champs.
If and when Hawkeye and the rest of the OG Avengers get their updates, they will likely be comprehensive and you will be glad they took the time that they did to get it right. Unless you just want to see a value updated Iron Man?
All I do know is the only OG Avenger worth anything, Thor, got nerfed to hell and back. Literally give him back his armor breaks. He's an instant top 5 in-game. Could you picture a 6-3 with 5 armor breaks? Wow.
As stated by others a Ronin tune-up is considerably easier than a Hawkeye overhaul and was something even members of the CCP have suggested in the past. The Avengers deserve Overhauls and hopefully they'll get them. But for now, we focus on the easier fixes.
I remember rolling through ROL with him at 4-40. The good ole days.
Thanks for all the feedback guys. Love the input and opinions.
Maybe you few are right on the OG Avengers. I'm just at a loss on how the champs that most of us grew up reading mostly still get overlooked. I, personally, knew nothing of Sentry like most of you have shared on here. But, sounds like he was legit in comics. Wonder when he gets his day to shine.
Hopefully after the Avengers and Cyclops, who I think is most deserving of an overhaul.
Entirely new mechanics, animations, etc. It's like creating a brand new champs, minus the modeling. That's not something Kabam can do to multiple champs, month after month.
So, we get some ez-buff champs that weren't useless, but hardly used. That way they can take their time on the bigger projects. Makes perfect sense.
Like come on, the answer is so blatantly obvious, ronin needs a few numbers changing, iron man (or insert any of the other usual comparisons) need completely new abilities, almost like designing a brand new champions kit.
If you’re gonna do a comparison like this, why not “why did ronin get picked over iceman or Heimdall or any other middle of the pack, just needs more damage/x ability duration increase champion”
Truth is, they probably have a team working on buff ideas and there’s no particular order to it, probably just bouncing between champions trying to think of ideas until they get one they like and pass it up to the next team, then they’re likely just implemented as they’re completed in most cases.
And I personally feel Hawkeye is an update away from being great. Give him PG, and degen for bleed-immune, and he's good to go.
Iron Man is ****. He's worse than HE. Again, I didn't use IM. You did.