Wolverines Regeneration

I think wolverines regeneration should be like this for 5 Star R5 Sig. 200 :
1 Permanent passive Regeneration that regenerates 530 Health every second.
Awakened Ability: Wolverine will gain a regeneration buff after using his special attacks which will recover up to 6000 Health based on how low his health is. Lower health = Higher regeneration
I am trying to say is his regen ability right now depends on luck and it is so inaccurate imo. It should be somewhere like this.
I ve experienced to not have a single Cellular regeneration in 221 hits! So weird. I know he is not in Buff list but you know to make it more realistic.
1 Permanent passive Regeneration that regenerates 530 Health every second.
Awakened Ability: Wolverine will gain a regeneration buff after using his special attacks which will recover up to 6000 Health based on how low his health is. Lower health = Higher regeneration
I am trying to say is his regen ability right now depends on luck and it is so inaccurate imo. It should be somewhere like this.
I ve experienced to not have a single Cellular regeneration in 221 hits! So weird. I know he is not in Buff list but you know to make it more realistic.
And if and I do mean IF they want to do something extra, they can probably include true accuracy, since his senses are supposed to be heightened but really he just needs the numbers bump in his Prestige and the synergies. That's it