Just be able to reparry. AA will do well (ability accuracy reduction) Nick Fury will do well (unblockable at 15 tac charges), Cap IW will do well (High block Prof), Corvus will do well (a r4 corvus in act five? get a charge or two and watch them die. Also his double debuff on parry is great for masochism.), Mole man and Kilmonger have unstoppable on block under certain conditions and so they will keep you from losing map space. Most of your high ranked champs are really good. Someone who's done 5.2.4 more recently may be able to help a bit more.
If it's masochism you should get nullify immune champs like AA if awakened crossbones civil warrior and thing most probably. If it's caltrops omega and any bleed immune champ like gambit and Corvus would work