Who's excited about the upcoming Ronin tweak?

I wish the spotlight was up already.
Who's looking forward to the Ronin buff?
What do you wish was tweaked, etc?
Who's looking forward to the Ronin buff?
What do you wish was tweaked, etc?
He needs more aar on his Wraith or Sp1 disorient, as well as expanded purify/shrug and maybe longer fury length after sp3. I would also like Crit on Block during Demon Stance.
The powergain thing is cool but very unnecessary in his kit and his sp2 is fine imo, 7 bleeds is an awesome piece of damage/utility.
I would also like if entering guard stance purified ALL debuffs, but that would be a little OP.
Power gain would be nice but I believe that would force them to reduce the potency of his damage similar to blade . And I don’t think that’s something I’m willing to sacrifice.
SP3 extended fury + maybe a way to pause it or spending I would be happy.
My 5/65 is sig 200 but my r3 is only sig 60.
I like the idea of Ronin, but just don't enjoy playing him. Mostly effort vs reward issues.
Ronin ends short fights with his sp2 like most others, but his main damage is sp3 and then sp2. But for me that stress of gaining power to sp2 after a sp3, while building cruelty, and having to bait a special is somewhat of a race. It sucks tbh. I do hope it either gets less stressful (lower cruelty or higher power gain or both) and better rewards (more damage). As of right now, Ronin's damage per second, not burst, seems the baseline as stated by Kabam. Ive compared him with Ghost. Both with suicides and without and the average is roughly the same. Same with the others. However ghost/corvus would only need sp2, while Ronin has to do the sp3 then to sp2 for max damage. So with 150/200% boosts, the others go far ahead, especially more if the opponent is bleed immune. For suicide r3, Ronins sp2 Bleeds is about 1/3 of the sp2 damage, getting about 80 to 90k on good rng from sword and about 37k from bleeds with 4 points in dw. Its about the same total damage for r3 ghost sp2 from what ive been told. However, Ronin has to do sp3 first then sp2 while building up cruelty and baiting, etc. It only averages out evenly over time as basic attacks for ronin hit harder especially adding the bleeds. He just needs to lower the "stress" level and/or increase the rewards for hard work. Intercepting is one of the hardest things, then having to juggle stances to build 7 cruelty, and bait specials all before the fury expires is a pain.
Im not 100% sure. Maybe im 2nd. But definitely one of the 1st three. A month or two before I r3d my r2 sig200, there was a r3 sig 180.
Dun.. dun... Dunnnnnnn!
Edit: Although I think the buff details were going around online, I haven't seen them, idk.
I hope they:
1. Increase the AAR to = 100, and increase the timer on it.
2. Decrease the amount of cruelties needed to get the evade
After that it’s all gravy