Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Parry & other misc functions...


I just want to start this discussion by saying thank you to all the people that work hard every day to make Kabam one of the top rated games. That being said, there has been several known issues/bugs the past month that players have consistently reported. Some have been taken into consideration and fixed while others have remained on the grid. I realize that things can’t just happen overnight and you want to make sure it’s fixed properly before releasing new info and I can certainly appreciate that. Some of the things that have caused the most aggravation are the parry function, android phone systems, quest tier and aw diversity. I’m sure this is nothing you don’t already know but the parry function not working properly directly effects every single fight which directly effects players pocket books. The game constantly having to restart even if you leave for 2 seconds to check Line is a major set back as far as time goes. Quest and AW are obviously the two biggest things that people invest in and play the game for so those speak themselves. AW diversity was created to be the tie breaker but now that aw is easier, alliances are clearing more often so diversity is playing a part every war which in turn is causing alliances to make diversity their main focus which is not what the initial plan was supposed to be. Like I said, I know these things take time and you all are working on them but please be aware and courteous of the money being spent on a broken system. This is not fair to the players and if there is any kind of timeline you could possibly give us to give us some kind of reassurance or certainty it would be greatly appreciated. Just to know these things aren’t being ignored would do wonders for the moral because I hate to say it but the moral is the lowest I have ever seen. I hate saying negative things but it’s the truth. Please take all these things not personally but from a business standpoint.

Thanks again
Friendly Neighborhood Player!
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