Kabam pls don't forget about Uncollected players....

Now I'm sure there are summoners who will just think I'm salty cause I'm an Uncollected player but I'm also sure that there is a percentage of summoners who agree with me about Kabam's latest decisions. I'm not trying to start an argument and I for sure don't intend to offend anyone in the Mcoc community by this post.
1) So now that Kabam is trying to make Uncollected the new Conqueror, I feel that the Uncollected players are not getting rewarded fairly. All of us Uncollected players, who've actually gotten the title and chucked hundreds of units into the Collector fight are now gonna be sharing rewards that are meant for us with summoners who maybe like done Act 2 or 3 which doesn't seem to be a fair deal.
2) Even though I understand Kabam is trying to boost up the lower level players with more resources so that they can progress faster, I feel like they are also kinda destroying the worth of the 'Uncollected' title. Sure newer players need to progress faster but this new change doesn't help the true Uncollected players in any way. They need more 5* to rankup for Act 6* and not some random 4* whereas people in Act 4 and 3 need more of 4*s.
3) Opening up the Grandmaster crystals to summoners of all progression levels below UC players means that they get a huge advantage. Those players need more 4*'s and 3* to help their progression to go at considerable pace. I've never ever gotten a 5* outta one of those things and I don't even really see why Grandmaster crystals are considered to be a 'Good' perk of becoming UC. Even the people I've seen have maybe pulled a 5* out of like 500 crystals or something. I would like Kabam to make something like a Greater GMC for those who've completed 5.2 with a way higher drop rate at 5* than the regular one. And the regular GMC could be offered to the lower level players with maybe an increased drop rate at 4*.
4) (Honourable Mention): I'm personally not too sure of this but if the Lower level players do pull a ton of 5* at the very beginning, then there is a chance that they will not learn the basic necessary skills such as learning to dex different champion's specials and parrying and things like that. They will be able to easily breeze through content if they have higher star champions at the beginning hence not being able to grasp certain skills that is compulsary to know in Act 5 and Act 6.
P.S - (I am aware that even though they won't have the resources to take them to a decent rank at that beginning, it would still be very rewarding for them later on in the game especially if they've pulled Beyond God Tier or God Tier champs...)
I know that there are various different reasons why this change will confuse and dishearten many UC players, but these were just a few points that came to my mind right now.
With all that being said, if anyone from Kabam reads this, I request you to:
1) Take some action and balance this unfair situation and add something to it that will also help UC players to get Cav faster.
2) Pls don't delete this post [It took way too much time to put together lol]
Well lets all wait and hope that this will benefit UC players too in some good way
1) So now that Kabam is trying to make Uncollected the new Conqueror, I feel that the Uncollected players are not getting rewarded fairly. All of us Uncollected players, who've actually gotten the title and chucked hundreds of units into the Collector fight are now gonna be sharing rewards that are meant for us with summoners who maybe like done Act 2 or 3 which doesn't seem to be a fair deal.
2) Even though I understand Kabam is trying to boost up the lower level players with more resources so that they can progress faster, I feel like they are also kinda destroying the worth of the 'Uncollected' title. Sure newer players need to progress faster but this new change doesn't help the true Uncollected players in any way. They need more 5* to rankup for Act 6* and not some random 4* whereas people in Act 4 and 3 need more of 4*s.
3) Opening up the Grandmaster crystals to summoners of all progression levels below UC players means that they get a huge advantage. Those players need more 4*'s and 3* to help their progression to go at considerable pace. I've never ever gotten a 5* outta one of those things and I don't even really see why Grandmaster crystals are considered to be a 'Good' perk of becoming UC. Even the people I've seen have maybe pulled a 5* out of like 500 crystals or something. I would like Kabam to make something like a Greater GMC for those who've completed 5.2 with a way higher drop rate at 5* than the regular one. And the regular GMC could be offered to the lower level players with maybe an increased drop rate at 4*.
4) (Honourable Mention): I'm personally not too sure of this but if the Lower level players do pull a ton of 5* at the very beginning, then there is a chance that they will not learn the basic necessary skills such as learning to dex different champion's specials and parrying and things like that. They will be able to easily breeze through content if they have higher star champions at the beginning hence not being able to grasp certain skills that is compulsary to know in Act 5 and Act 6.
P.S - (I am aware that even though they won't have the resources to take them to a decent rank at that beginning, it would still be very rewarding for them later on in the game especially if they've pulled Beyond God Tier or God Tier champs...)
I know that there are various different reasons why this change will confuse and dishearten many UC players, but these were just a few points that came to my mind right now.
With all that being said, if anyone from Kabam reads this, I request you to:
1) Take some action and balance this unfair situation and add something to it that will also help UC players to get Cav faster.
2) Pls don't delete this post [It took way too much time to put together lol]

Well lets all wait and hope that this will benefit UC players too in some good way

The uncollected title is not being destroyed by any means
lower players are just fine without the gmc
Agreed. I got it in less than a year with moderate playing
It's fair because the game progresses as it ages. Why does it actually matter who gets what? What impact does it have on your account if say a proven title holder gets a 5* and you don't. it doesn't. Your account is your account. Nothing anyone else does impacts your account. You aren't getting anything less than what you got before.
It's crazy that you people are acting like someone stole your land or something.
The milestones rewards are being lowered to match lower progressions. The lower level players gain, and I'm glad for them, but at the same time UC players are being punished because of it.
The cry would be louder if a new title were to be introduced, and cavs were clubbed to UC and below as well, to make it cav and below.
Since not many players in UC are active on forums, people are tying to shush those speaking up, simply because they are cav or TB, and this change foes not affect them in any way. If it does not affect you, then if you cant help, then don't comment.
They’ll be complaining and everyone above would be to just deal with it(which they saying now not when it happens to them tho)
It sucks but that’s where this tiered rewards has always lead to
Ps. I just play the game to have fun not to make it a job
No point rushing uncollected players any more than they currently are, already have a bunch of cav players that don’t read nodes then cry for nerfs to everything, imagine how many more we will have if you let UC players push to cav faster than they already do.
Also, Cav's are already lumped into the same category when it comes to the Glory store and Sigil Store. UC and Cav's both have the same items and cost.
I still can't see how the UC title is being devalued. I have yet to see anything data wise that shows they nerfed something.
I am a new ftp Cavalier. I've looked at the game rewards (before becoming Cavalier) and offering and I think often that I needed Uncollected level rewards instead of those for Cavalier. So I am in the minority group that feels disadvantaged by the progression tier separation in terms of rewards and offering.
I think an Elder's Bane progression tier is good and I hope to get it before end August.
The rates were changed recently? After becoming Cavalier, I managed to accumulate 37 GMCs (took a while though) and the results were. Let's not forget it is RNG.
That is true and there are posts coming on where Summoner's roster are three times better than mine and can't clear similar content that I can do.
I think the Game Developer will have taken the survey outcome from Summoner's and planned accordingly.
That being said, this July 4 offering to group everyone below Cavalier into a single category could merely be a one-off and I believe they will certainly take into account your feedback.
It is quite clear exploring story quests have no value. The rewards are outdated and nothing in this game requires exploration. You better steamroll until at least Act 4 and save energy for monthly quests and sidequests.
Due to 4th of July offer is it easy to spend 10 dollars or 11 euros to get a 5* star as a beginning player, a R1 the equivalent of a R3 4*. You can literally autofight the first two acts with a R1 5*. In what world doesn't this damage the game?
It's better to take things as they appear and just make a push for higher title. As the game progresses, there will come a time when higher titles will also end up being forgotten, and book 1 will end up being remembered for the TB title only.
I remember a time when conqueror was the most caveated title, as there was nothing beyond it. Now it's not even thought about.
As @Piviot was mentioning above, better to play the game as a game, and not make it a second job. That way you'll be able to enjoy the game, without entering into a competition with other players.