Hypothesis: everyone went all in on the first pass looking at 6-6.5 million estimated cutoff (I stopped at 6.5 mil); those that missed the 6.85m actual cutoff got discouraged and not as many retried, or half-assed the next round. I stopped around 5.6 mil and got him. That's a lot of grinding, so guys who got him first pass probably didn't try for the dupe.
Iceman doesn't need the dupe to be a solid champ. A lot of guys who got him round 1 didn't go for him round 2. Also.. when some people saw almost 7m round 1 cutoff they didnt push hard for Iceman round 2 because of the expectation of not getting him. Those who did want to get him pushed high numbers like 6m+. Like some of you said, you gave up half way through thinking you weren't gonna make the high cutoff... So the guys going for milestones and quitting half way thru were the bottom end of the 10%.
I believe this is what happened and why the cutoff was so low... I'm not saying this is exactly what happened, but it is the most likely scenario from where I'm sitting.
Wow, yea I immediately searched this thread up after looking at the cutoff (which, on the google sheets, is about 3.32m). That's quite a huge drop, considering the first cutoff was about 6.8m and I only expected it to drop slightly, like to 6.5m or at least 6m.
I over-grinded to 7.5m just to play it safe, but wow, that was a lot of unnecessary grinding I did, probably about 8 hours cumulative of unnecessary grinding. I guess it was better safe than sorry, I'm happy to have awakened him, would prove useful in the upcoming boss challenge against Mephisto.
That is a super steep drop. I really hope there is not a system glitch.
Exact score please. Screenshot would be better
I got lazy and stopped grinding so I am Hyped right now, wasn't expecting this
Thank you and congratulations on your icebro
Not mine but a pic I’ve seen circulated.
I believe this is what happened and why the cutoff was so low... I'm not saying this is exactly what happened, but it is the most likely scenario from where I'm sitting.
I over-grinded to 7.5m just to play it safe, but wow, that was a lot of unnecessary grinding I did, probably about 8 hours cumulative of unnecessary grinding. I guess it was better safe than sorry, I'm happy to have awakened him, would prove useful in the upcoming boss challenge against Mephisto.