People Are Ignoring This About Bishop


People seem to be ignoring the fact that this bad boy can reduce ability accuracy by 80% while blocking, I'm sure this won't be as good as Red Mags AAR because you have to block for it to activate, but there's no denying this will come in clutch in certain situations, what do y'all think?
Just not talking about
20% chance for masochism to trigger (assuming it works the same as Proxima)
Parry stunning black widow will be even easier
That sharpened claws won’t work well against him
But yeah, it's situationally useful, but not something that I would rely on (unless the parry counts for the AAR then I would TOTALLY use it a good amount)
I'm sure Bishop's ability will come in handy on several occasions when something triggers on block, but Magneto just completely bypasses all abilities of a decent chunk of really annoying champions in the game. They are not really comparable in my eyes.