Dee_1001Dee_1001 Member Posts: 46
Hi All,

This is my first time posting so bear with me.

I am a relatively new MCOC player (since around Nov 2020). I recently became uncollected hoping to benefit from the July 4 deals. I also hoarded around 350k battle chips so that I could exchange them for units.

The 2 options facing me were to either exchange my battle chips for the Uncollected Arena Crystals (UAC) or the Regular Arena Crystals (RAC).

Please remember that my sole motivation was to obtain as many units as possible.

I resolved the problem as follows:

348000 / 10000 = 34.8
34.8 * 0.15 = 5.22 (rounded down to 5)
5 * 255 = 1275 units 

348000 / 2000 = 174
174 * 0.15 = 26.1 (rounded down to 26)
26 * 45 = 1170 units

The method above is what I relied on and I exchanged all my chips for UACs.

Having ended up with 525 units I assumed that I was simply unlucky until I realised that 525 is not a multiple of 255.

I contacted Kabam and was told that I obtained units from 5 of the crystals (1 yielded 255 and 4 yielded 75).

This was the first time I learned that the UAC could yield anything less than 255 units. I read the drop rate in the description prior to spending my battle chips and saw that the percentages provided specify "units" amongst other things.
However, nothing suggests that the number of units varies from 75 to 255.

Through discussions with various Kabam employees, I requested a refund of my battle chips and they could deduct the 525 units and any gold I obtained.

I have been told on each occasion that the crystal opening is permanent and cannot be undone. Every response (bar one) has attempted to repeat what they understand my issue to be is and it is that I am unhappy at the drop rate or the number of units I received and am seeking a do-over.

It is beyond frustrating because it is not the issue at all. If I had known that UACs varied in the number of units they drop I would have opted for the RACs in a heartbeat.

It appears to me that the people who I am complaining to cannot deviate from a script and are unable to see my issue as being different from someone dissatisfied with an unlucky crystal opening.

Any thoughts/suggestions?


  • The_beast123The_beast123 Member Posts: 2,190 ★★★★
    I'm not sure for a positive response in your case, but let's be optimistic. And yeah, I always go for regulars, they somehow promise more units to me...
  • GhostOfYostGhostOfYost Member Posts: 59
    The regular arena crystal primarily drops 15 units, not 45. Some smaller portion of that 15% unit drop rate is the 45 unit drop rate. The same is true of the Uncollected arena crystal. It primarily drops 75 units, and some smaller portion of the 15% drop rate is the 255 unit drop rate.

    The 45 unit and 255 unit drop rates aren’t advertised, but evidence compiled by the community suggests that they are the same. That would mean that the units per battlechip spent are also the same.

    In terms of unit acquisition, the regular arena crystal is a more consistent crystal to open because you have many more trials and are more likely to have a series of results closer to the average. Over enough openings, both crystals will net you roughly the same number of units for the same battlechip cost.

    Think of it like rolling a die. If you only roll it 34 times, it’s unlikely that each number will come up exactly 1/6th of the time, or even close to it. But if you roll the same die 174 times, you’re going to see rates much closer to 1/6 for each number as variance gets balanced out by regression to the mean. Roll the die 1,000,000 times and you’re going to see almost exactly 1/6 of the rolls for each number.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★

    255 for UC arena crystals is a top prizes.
    There's also 2 amounts of gold in the top prizes loop-

    These aren't the only variations of the prizes in the crystals. Here are the drop rates-

    Each crystal is independent of any others you open. Drop rates are compounded. I believe the minimum amount of units you can get in UAC's is 45. The most you can pull is 255.

    Gold is the same way. I think the minimum amount is 4500 or something and max is 50k.

    I'm not sure what you think you should of gotten but support isn't wrong.
  • Dee_1001Dee_1001 Member Posts: 46
    Thank you for the information. I think I have a good understanding of statistics. The issue is that I made my calculations on the erroneous belief that 45 units and 255 units were assured unit drops.

    Also, I didn't know, until now, that the RAC could drop less than 45 units. Thank you for the insight.

    Nonetheless, it would appear that if I had the chance to do things over, I would have traded for the RACs which would not have changed the result because I did hit units 5 times (as statistically expected).

    In short, I did not really miss an opportunity and will let the matter rest now.

    I would say though, a better description could be provided... As well as better tech support. I shouldn't have to create an account to obtain information that Kabam technical support should be able to provide.

    In any event, I now have an account and I thank you for your help.

  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Can y’all please stop saying 255, it’s 225 and the error is driving me nuts, thx.
  • Dee_1001Dee_1001 Member Posts: 46
    Bahahahahahahah. My bad.
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