We need map 2.3.4 players for Controlled Collective lll

I have been a member of one of these 4 alliances for about 2 years. LadyGamer13 on line is in charge of them all. They are really friendly alliances that helps one another and have really improved my gameplay and my profile a alot in the past 2 . We are needing players in Controlled Collective lll. They do maps 2.3.4 × 5 with modifiers. Search line for LadyGamer13. 

5 openings in the 3rd branch for AQ maps 2/3/4.
We have an opening in each branch, if anyone else is looking for an alliance.
AQ focused and teamwork is how we roll.
Contact on line app:
Great AQ focused Alliance you can grow with.
Click on my name goes to my last post that has all my info if interested
Contact me on line app: LadyGamer13