The Diabolical Question: 6r2 or 5r5s200!?

Welcome spectators, to th.. a Rank-off of the Cen... next 24 hours!
In this corner, we have:

Next up, we have the Contender on a Bender, the Lowest of Dabs:

Claire and Doom are among the few Mystic I don't have, because of course they aren't. RIP and all that. If I don't put the Sigs into Diablo, then they'll probably go to Magik.
... Ha-hah!!
In this corner, we have:

The handsome lad that's a little mad! He's future-proof, but unawakened. He's also the potential 6* rank-up that I'm most likely to use, ha-hah! Also a potential TB-earning r3 candidate, provided I don't pull Claire or Doom! But that's a good bit down the road, because of course I'm lazy -- I'm TrashyPanda!Next up, we have the Contender on a Bender, the Lowest of Dabs:

This Master of Disaster is unduped, but I have 2 Mystic AGs and ~140 Mystic Sigstones because... of course I do! It's the Mystic class, ha-hah! Can this undersnoopdog prevail over his superior opponent? Is that 30% universal damage reduction worth the loss of Andrenaline and the Proofing of futures!? Will TrashyPanda cry himself to sleep after he dupes his 6* Diablo!? These mysteries shall be revealed... by you, dear spectator!! How am I supposed to think if you're not there to do it for me!? Ha-hah!Claire and Doom are among the few Mystic I don't have, because of course they aren't. RIP and all that. If I don't put the Sigs into Diablo, then they'll probably go to Magik.
... Ha-hah!!
The Diabolical Question: 6r2 or 5r5s200!? 9 votes
It's a tought call, but in the same situation I went with the 6* to r2. He gets a nice benefit from the sig - but it doesn't seem core to his kit.