Do you want 7* in the game?

TensioTensio Member Posts: 198
Kabam is starting to make 6* more available and letting some summoners to rank them up to r4 soon. So probably will need to make a movement.

Do you want 7* in the game? 17 votes

Add 7* in the game (little creative)
Raichu626groundedmaster20005Godstriker56 3 votes
Add relics to the game to improve champs in some places/fights
TensioKill_GreyChelonii 3 votes
Leave everything as it now
ThatGuyYouSaw235Marvel2289ItsTheBroskiTheAngryOneLuke9523LuciferiamdevilOGAvengerWild_ObsidianDemonic_embraceHaptichorizonDiinasty 11 votes
Other options
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